We were playing air hockey and I put the puck in her slot about 5 times already and she didn't get it once.

I did it 1 more time and made it and she slammed the hockey piece on the air hockey table and threw her hands up.

"All y'all cheating." She said and went to go sit down.

"Nicki. Ain't nobody cheating." I said and she crossed her arms.

"Shut up. Cause there's no way you can make it 6 times in a row in my slot and I can't even make 1. You cheated." She said and I put my hand over my face laughing.

Nicki POV

I sat down at the bench cause she was cheating on me. Then gonna say she wasn't. I just quit playing we've been here for like a hour and I haven't won 1 game.

Sherika came over to the table and sat down by me.

"What?" I said and she folded her hands on the table.

"Come play boxing with me." She said and I shook my head.

"Meek said no." I said and she screwed her face up.

"Meek ain't here. And why in the world would he say no to a game?" She said with frowned eyebrows.

"Your gonna get me in trouble. He said NO!" I yelled the last part and she laughed.

"Girl come on." She said and took my hand dragging me to the boxing arena.


"Ok just put these on and wait for a bell." The guy said and he stood back.

Ding ding ding!!

The bell rung and we went in circles. We were going round and round and she finally swung.

"Awe ok so we swinging." I said getting closer to Sherika hitting her in her face with the gloves.

We both were laughing and hitting each other non-stop. Until I got her upper body, and she got my lower body. She was leaning down and I was on top.

I was about laughing so hard I couldn't hit her anymore cause I was getting weak. She started to grab my legs Punching me and I grabbed her neck punching her face. It was only a echo of laughter feeling the room.

She was working her way up and my smile vanished.

"Sherika! Stop you to close to me sto-.." Before I could finish she hit me in my stomach.

I fell on the mat and the guy blowed the whistle.

I held my stomach and Rocked myself crying.

"Nika I'm so sorry." she said covering her mouth.

I gaged once but it wasn't major.

"It huurts." She whined.

"Let me see." She said and grabbed my shirt and I stood up jerking my body away from her.

"Don't touch me!!" I yelled and stood up stomping to the seats.

I looked over and she was following me.

"Nicki you need to stop! I didn't know it was a accident." She said and I kept crying and held my stomach.

Sherika POV

"Yeah meek." I said on the phone.

"Wassup?" He said and I sighed.

"It's Nicki." I said and he sighed.

"What happened to her?" He said and I looked at her still crying.

"We was in the boxing are-.." He cut me off.

"I told her ass not to do that!" He said and I felt guilty.

"I-I told her to." I said and he sighed.


"And we was having a good time fighting or whatever. And I accidentally hit her stomach and she fell on the ground crying." I said feeling bad and meek sighed again.

"Fuck man!" He said. "What she doing now?" He said and I looked at her.

"Cuddled up in the booth corner crying..she won't let anybody touch her." I said and he sighed.

Meek POV

"Ight. Give her the phone." I said running my hand over my face.

"Hello?" she said with a crazy voice.

"Wassup baby. You want me to come get you?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said with a shaky voice.

Meaning if I'm not there in the next 10 minutes she going crazy.

"Ok baby I'm coming." I said hanging up the phone.


I walked in the place and looked around till I spotted Sherika standing over Nicki. I shook my head at why they keep bothering her knowing she doesn't want to be touched.

I walked to there booth and was going in to grab her. She didn't know it was me because her face was turned the other direction.

"Meek! Don't touch her." Sherika said not knowing what she wanted.

I paused and looked at Sherika.

"I got this." I said and picked her up wrapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck kissing her.

"But.." Sherika said with her mouth open.

"This all she wanted." I said and grabbed her purse and put her phone inside. "Thanks Rika." I said and waved walking out.

She was still crying but not as bad. It was just light tears.

"You ok babygirl." I said kissing her cheeks and she turned her face the other way.


Ok I'm sorry guys! I owe y'all like 10 chapters😩 

Did meek make the right decision in making her be comfortable with his mom?

Y'all think meek like being away from Nicki ?

Why you think she ain't give Sherika a chance to make her feel better?

And should she have listened to meek and not played ?🤔

Excuse all errors!

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