'I wonder who he was to Tae.'

I flipped over the photo once I noticed there was writing on the back. I read it,

Dear Tae,
You will always be in my heart.
No matter what, promise me you won't forget me.

I didn't know what to feel. All I knew was that there were so many questions I wanted to ask.

"Eunji!" I heard Taehyung yell from somwhere in the house.

I jumped.

I quickly set down the picture and walked in the direction his voice came from. I found him in the kitchen with a gorgeous vase in his hands that had the flowers in it. "That is beautiful! Thank you Tae!" I said as he handed me the vase.

"Grandma said she would make those chestnut cookies too! And she said that she'll make extra so we can take it to your mom!"

I didn't know what to say. I was so happy. I gave him the brightest smile I could possibly ever give. I went to set the flowers on the table and I turned around to face him and ran up and gave him a nice big hug. "I don't know what to say. I'm just so happy. Thank you Taehyung."

"You're welcome." he said as he hugged me back.

"You're making it really hard to pay you back when you keep being so nice doing these things for me." I said.

He laughed.

I broke the hug and smiled at him again. "I'm glad we're friends."

He softly smiled and then began to walk away. "U-Uh I'll be right back." And with that said he walked off.

'Did I do something wrong? I hope I didn't upset him.' I thought as I stood there confused.

Just then his grandma came out with a big contagious smile on her face. "Sorry. I had to go tinkle."

A smile showed up on my face as I held back a laugh.

"Where's Taehyung ah?" She said with one of her eyebrows raised. I stiffly shrugged, "I don't know. He told me he would be right back."

(Taehyung's POV)

I walked away and went to my favorite room filled with a lot of memories. The guest bedroom that I slept in whenever I spent the night here at grandmas.

I walked in and saw the bed in the same exact spot with the same blankets and pillows left in the same spot they were left in.

The dresser was also the same with the hat siting on top of it along with his note that was on the floor...

I sat on the edge of the bed and remembered the last time I was hear...

Knock knock

"Hey grandma, can you get that?" I shouted as I was making my bed after just waking up.

I heard my grandma's footsteps go all the way to the door then open it.

"U-Um is Taehyung here?"

I stopped what I was doing and listened carefully.

"Well yes, why? Did something happen?"

"Um, my s-son, Yoongi told m-me to give Kim Taehyung this if something...w-were to h-happen."

I could hear her start sobbing.

"Oh. Okay, well I'll make sure he gets it." I heard my grandma say.

I felt my heart beating fast. I was so scared. "What happened?" I whispered. I wanted but didn't want to know what it was at the same time.

The door opened and I saw grandma with a hat in her hands.

It was his hat that got him for his birthday...

"Here." She said to me as she placed it in my hands. I looked down at it. Why did he give me this? Did he not like it? I flipped it over and saw a folded note taped inside where his head went.

I took the tape off and grabbed the folded piece of paper. I walked over and set the hat down on the dresser and unfolded the note,

Tae, I just want to say thank you for always being there for me whenever I needed someone. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. I'm sorry I can't make it up to you. I'm sorry I wasn't a good enough friend as you were to me. I'm sorry. Just in case you were wondering where I was, or what happened I should tell you that...I am diagnosed with an unknown disease. The doctors don't know what it is or how to fix it. The disease...it's slowly killing me on the inside starting in my brain and most likely ending with my heart. I haven't told you this because I didn't want you to worry or feel like this is your fault. It's not. You can come visit me in the hospital if you want, but please be aware...I won't remember you. I'm sorry, Taehyung.

-Min Yoongi


A tear rolled down my face as I looked at the note that is still on the ground.

'Why? Why did this have to happen to Yoongi?? Why? Why not...me? He doesn't deserve it.'

I took a deep breath. 'I can't do this. Not now. I shouldn't. I need to be happy right now.' I thought as I got up and knew exactly who to find.

(Eunji's POV)

"Grandma! Why was Soonshim locked up in your room?" I looked at him knowing who it was and saw a white medium sized dog in his arms. I was surprised because it looked a bit too big to be carried like that.

"She is too wild sometimes! You should've seen her! She was barking and howling at me everytime I walked past the back door! She was chasing me! I almost had a heart attack!" His grandma yelled getting mad all of a sudden.

"She probably had to go tinkle, Grandma." Tae chuckled causing me too as well.

His grandma didn't say anything in response and just kept making the cookies. Tae walked over to me, "Wanna pet her?" He asked as he put her down on the ground. I excitedly nodded and bent down to pet her. Her fur was really soft I could pet it all day. She went to lick my face and I moved back to try and prevent it, but I fell backwards and she climbed on top of me and started licking my whole face as I began laughing. I could hear Tae laughing as well watching Soonshim licking me all over my head and arms.

"She really likes you!" Tae said.

"Okay okay okay stop." I tried saying between laughs. Soonshim actually stopped licking me and climbed off of me and walked over to the kitchen where grandma was.

Tae helped me up, "Well, you definitely have her approval!"

My face and arms felt so wet and sticky. I gave Tae the 'really' look. He tried holding back a laugh and failed as he started laughing hysterically. I was confused by how funny he thought it was.

Then he started pointing at my hair and laughing more.

"Yah! Get Soonshim out of here! I'm trying to bake! Ahh no Soonshim, you can't eat that!" I heard his grandma shout. Taehyung began laughing harder and louder.

"What are you laughing at?!" His grandma said as she walked to us with her hands on her hips. I turned and looked at her.





Hey! ^^ I had a day off today so I thought I'd try and update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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- JiminiePop

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