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I'm leaving this epilogue up to your own interpretation.

A girl with long brown hair who couldn't be older than 11 or 12 was walking around outside at midday. If you looked closely, you could tell that she was looking for something as she was acting a little younger than her age. She was soon to be an adult in a year or two in terms of this society, but there was no one around to judge.

"What's that?" she asked herself, noticing something rectangular and white on the ground between two brown slightly-tall buildings. She knew to report it to the society, but her first instinct was to open it. It didn't matter if she opened it or not, as she knew what would happen either way.

She quickly picked up the unknown object from in-between the buildings, examining it. She had never seen anything like it. She looked at both sides, and noticed that one of them had a flap on it. There was an inside to this object that held another object that was white as well.

From the looks of it, the second object was white and had been folded up for some reason. She guessed it was so it would fit. She didn't understand why someone would put the folded up object into the other in the first place. Maybe the folded object was considered important, so it was put in the other to keep it safe. She thought to herself. She couldn't think of any other reason to do so.

She unfolded the object, noticing that there was something written on it. This was just like on her laptop or her tablet, except the writing was on this strange unknown object. She had never seen this before, so it confused her. Why is there writing on this? There isn't any object similar to it with writing.

She slowly read the letter, absorbing all of the information. It seemed as if someone from outside of this society was writing to their future selves that would be living in the society. This confused her even more, although after what she had already learned she knew that it was possible. In the past she would have wondered what type of prank this was, although by now she knew that it most likely wasn't a prank.

She studied the letter again, memorizing it. She felt as if this was something she should remember. She felt this way for anything unusual she saw or found, as she thought that learning as much as possible was best.

She took out her phone, to tell the society of what she found. She didn't want to get into any trouble, so doing this was best. She didn't know if the society was suspicious of her, but the society would think of her as an excellent person for reporting this.

She wouldn't forget this, no matter what the society did. They didn't know her secret, her secret that was dangerous to the society.

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