7 - I have to play?!

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As the days go by, usually either I or my friend have to wait for the other one because they are in testing. My friend has to wait more, since apparently I've been having more testing that is longer than my friend has.

"Test subject 9536 please report to testing. Test subject 9536 please report to testing," I hear.

I get up from the chair I am sitting on and I go to testing.

Once I get into testing, the scientist seems to want to do things quickly.

I quickly follow her to the testing room I will be in today. I quickly take the purple drink from her hand. I quickly drink it. I quickly lay down.

"Get up," says the scientist.

I get up.

"Hello," says the scientist.

"Hello," I reply.

"How are you doing?"

"Good. How about you?"


"How are you feeling?" she asks.

"Good. How about you?"

"Good. What do you like to do?"

"I don't know. What about you?"


"What is your favorite food?"

"I don't have a favorite food. What is your favorite food?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to go swimming?"


"Let's go."

"To the swimming pool to swim?"


The both of us walk to the swimming pool and get changed in the locker room. After we have our suits on, we both get in the pool.

In the pool, we both freely swim around.

"I would like you to swim back and forth," says the scientist after we have awhile.

I start to swim back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

"Let's go back now," says the scientist.


We both get out and change into our regular clothes in the changing room. After that, we walk back.

"Here, drink this," she says once we get back.

I take it and drink the purple drink. I then lay down.

"Our testing has gotten pretty far, hasn't it?" I hear someone say.

"Yes, it has. We are still a long way from completion," says the female scientist.

Completion? What does she mean?

"Don't you have to see Paul again?" he asks.

"Yeah, soon."

I hear the sound of footsteps walking away.

"We are done with testing for now," says the scientist.

I open my eyes and slowly get up.

"What was that you were talking about?" I ask.

"Oh. Whatever you heard, it just had to do with your testing."

Test Subject #9536Where stories live. Discover now