30 - Caught

75 5 0

  Before you start reading this chapter, I would like to say that I got a youtube account and I had decided to draw #9536. That's why there's a video on this chapter.

I hear a beeping noise. People are talking franticly.

"Is it going correctly?" I hear one person say.

"We need more of this," another person says.

"It's going quite well," says another.

"Did that thing we put in 5 minutes ago do what we wanted?" yet another person says.

I slowly open my eyes.

"Quickly! Quickly! Put her back to sleep!" someone yells.

Something is injected into me, and my eyes slowly close... Everything becomes black...

I hear beeping yet again. I can hear people talking franticly yet again.

"She has regained consciousness for a second time! Quickly get her back to sleep!" I hear a person yell.

What are they doing?! What the—

Everything goes black again.

I hear beeping again.

I quickly sit up.

"She has regained consciousness for a third time! Put her back to sleep! That's been one time each hour so far!" someone yells.

Something is injected into me, and I fall back onto the bed. Everything goes black...

I regain consciousness. I try to sit up, but I find that I cannot.

"Put her to sleep again! Are you sure you aren't doing anything wrong?!" a person yells.

"What?! Why did someone put something to keep her sleeping that only lasts 1 hour 5 hours ago?!" I hear someone yell.

"Sorry, that was me! I put the wrong thing in! I tried putting the normal one in, but it looks like it didn't work. Someone else must of put in the 1 hour one after I accidently put it in," I hear a woman say.

"I did that accidently... The one hour one was in the wrong place..." I hear someone say.

"Whatever. Just put it in!" I hear someone yell.

Something is injected into me, and I lose consciousness again.

I regain consciousness yet again. I don't hear any more yelling. I don't hear any beeping. I don't hear anyone talking.

I slowly open my eyes.

Instead of being on a white bed like before, I am somewhere else. There is a red substance all around me. It feels just like water.

I feel something around the edges of my eyes, and I touch it. It seems as if there is something over my eyes that I can see through.

I can feel something on my mouth. I touch it, and I cannot tell what it is. It not only goes over my mouth but my nose as well. I can feel two cords coming from it. One is higher up, and one is lower. The higher one seems to be for my nose and the lower one seems to be for my mouth.

I realize that my clothes feel very heavy. I look down at them, and I notice that there is something on my legs. There are multiple long cords going into them.

I try to swim around. I find that I can pretty easily. My hands touch glass, and I realize that I must be in a tank. This must be one of the edges of the tank.

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