17 - Plans

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While I was trying to fall asleep last night, I started to come up with a plan. I decided to try to find something like the weapon in the game. I think that the objects in the game are similar to things not in the game.

The only problem was looking for it. I had no idea how I was supposed to do that with a schedule.

I just thought of an idea! I could pretend I was told to go there and then I would be able to look through testing.

I heard an announcement that we all had to go to the lounge, so that meant meal 1 was over. For meal 1 I didn't eat with my friend. I needed to work on my plan.

Once I arrived at the lounge, I saw my friend as I probably took way too long to get to the lounge. I hoped that she would be going to testing soon.

Why do I hope that? She's my friend!

"Hi," I say.

"Hi," she says.

"Do you want to play a game?"


"How about the game we played last night?" I ask.

"That's fine with me."

We play the game we were playing last night again. This game is by far my favorite. It is really easy as well, as you just have to guess what the other person is describing.

"Test subject 9748 please report to testing. Test subject 9748 please report to testing," we both hear.

"I have to go testing. I guess it is good it happened now, as we were just finishing up a game," my friend says.

"Yeah, I guess it is. I'll see you later," she says.

Once she leaves, I sit down on the chair to get ready for my plan. I get bored of sitting, so I decide that it has been long enough. I don't want to leave so late that I miss meal 2.

I get into the transporter, and I feel wrong doing this. I know that it is wrong, but I can't live the way I did before.

I reach testing, and I slowly get out of the transporter.

"What is your number?" the protector asks me.

"10652," I reply, very scared.

"I don't recall 10652 being called to testing."

"I was!"

"You're sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"You could have gotten your number mixed up with another," says the protector.

"I'm sure I didn't. I clearly heard my number called."

"Are you sure you weren't called anywhere else?"

"I'm sure."

"I'll have to send you back. I've been listening, you weren't called anywhere. You misheard. It's louder in the lounge than it is here."

I get back into the transporter, and I take it back to the lounge. That was all I could do. I don't want anything really bad to happen.

While sitting down on a chair in the lounge, I come up with another idea. I should try the same thing again, but when a different protector is there!

The day seems to pass by really slowly. Once my friend comes back from testing, it feels a little quicker but not by much.

By the time I am at meal 3, I decide to take a transporter to testing after this.

Test Subject #9536Where stories live. Discover now