24 - Distance

74 6 0

The next day, I come up with the idea of knocking everyone out. Not really for anything important, but just for the fun of it. It could turn to being something important, but I don't know yet.

I realize that I have been distancing myself from my friends. I am not as close to them as I once was. I have been avoiding them. I think about spending time with them today, but I remember that that I was going to do something that I enjoy today. Maybe I should spend time with them another day then.

I hear an announcement that we all have to go to meal 1. I go there, as I skipped meal 3 last night and I am really hungry.

Once I arrive at the mess hall, I take my meal and I quickly sit down. I end up sitting at a table that doesn't have many open seats left.

I slowly eat, as I am thinking of when I should do this plan. I decide that I should get ready the next time we are told to go to our rooms. When we are told to go back to the lounge, I will put the plan into action.

After meal 1 is over, we are all told to go to the lounge. I go to the lounge, as I feel like doing so. While in the lounge I avoid my friends. I am thinking up future plans.

What are some other things I could do? I could use the syringe on a protector... That would be hard. I could use a different bottle. I could try... I don't know. I could try putting some of what is in the bottle into someone's glass. They would probably notice and it might not work. What is in the bottle is for the syringe... It would probably end up just being a waste. I guess I'll think about trying it. I could use the syringe on the scientist! Although I'm pretty sure other people in testing would notice. The scientist would find out... that things went wrong? It wouldn't only be her. A lot of people would find out. Who knows what they would do to me. What else could I do? Hmm... Maybe I should eventually try doing something that doesn't involve the syringe and the bottles. Ever since I got them that is all I have been using for my fun. I used to try to get into testing. Now I don't think I would want to do something like that... Now that I think about it, I do rebel often. I don't always go to the lounge. Although I think I should try having fun in other ways. I can't think of any way. I could try to learn more. I think that sounds like a good idea.

I start to wonder why I like doing all of this. I try to think of a reason why, but I can't think of anything. All I can think of is that I like doing it. The thought of no longer rebelling sends a chill down my spine. I feel that if I were to stop, I would go crazy. I wouldn't be able to continue. I don't know for sure, but I have a strong feeling that I would go crazy. I can just feel it. If I were to stop rebelling, I am almost certain that I would not be able to continue.

I start to wonder what I don't know. I start to make theories about this. What don't I know? I'm sure there must be a lot of things... I wonder about myself. I feel like in the past I was different. I feel like now there is... I don't know... More I can say? I feel that it had to do with that thing that I woke up in. I don't know why. A theory could be that it changed me!

I also feel like there is something I don't know... Maybe it's the scientists... Although I feel that it is just me.

The scientist told me that the purple drink puts me to sleep. It makes me not want to ever drink it, but I know that I have to act normal around the scientist. I wonder if it is only to make me sleep. I think it might be, based on the way the scientist acts toward me. She doesn't seem to lie. She completely hides the fact that she hates me. I would have never guessed. I guess some people are just really good at hiding things. Scientist 112 seems good at this as well. Good at pretending. The purple drink could do other things, but I really doubt it. It makes sense that I would have to be put to sleep for testing. It just seems that it should be that way.

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