19 - My Way of Rebelling

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I wake up, not knowing where I am.

Why is it all dark? That's right... I fell. How long ago was that?

I move my hands around, to feel for the syringe and the bottles. I find them and they seem to be fine.

I conclude that a lot of time must have passed, as I want to eat more than I did before falling.

The fact that I want to eat doesn't matter. What matters more is getting out of here!

I have no idea how I will get out. I could try re-tracing my steps, but I turned down to a different hallway at least 3 times. I don't know where I would have to turn.

I shouldn't have done this! Hopefully I can get out.

Holding the syringe and bottles, I start walking again. I know that there has to be a way out.

I eventually hit a wall. Then, I hear a noise of something opening and the wall in front of me moving away.

I continue to walk, and the wall goes back.

I turn around, but the wall does not open up again. So I'm stuck here? I'll find some way out. You can't keep me here!

Turning back around to continue walking, I see light.

"Knew that I would see light eventually. If your plan is to keep me in here, it will not work! Seems like you tried to lure me in here with that light." I say to myself.

I don't know who you is, but I think it is this entire place. It's pretty pathetic that I don't know.

I run over to the light. It turns out to just be a light on the ceiling, but that definitely is something! I can finally see!

Looking around, I seem to be in an area that looks just like the area with all of the rooms that is next to the lounge. Why is it all dark?

I remember something.

"Are we in a different part of the building?" I ask once we arrive.


"Will I see anything new?"

"No, all the parts are pretty much the same."


"Each part has different people."



I must be in a different part of the building. Why isn't anyone else here? Maybe they are all in their rooms.

I open a door, and it is dark. There is no one inside. I go from door to door, looking for a room with someone in it. I skip a door or two before going to the next one. Looking in every single room would take too long.

As I walk, it starts to get darker but I eventually pass by another light that is flickering.

Why is that light flickering? I never knew that lights could flicker.... Wait. That's just like the game! In the game I played with my friend, the light could flicker. I knew it had to be based off of something.

I continue to walk, and I realize that I am tired and hungry. I run back to the flickering light.

I put the syringe and bottles on the ground. I sit down on the ground, looking at the names of the bottles. One of them says "food" so I put it into the syringe. I hope I did it right, but it seemed pretty obvious.

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