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First I would like to thank everyone who has supported this story, even though it wasn't many people.
Well... An authors note like this is usually bad news...
And I'm sorry that it's taken so long to update. I was going to try to get the next chapter up by Friday, but I failed. I guess it doesn't matter now.
School starts tomorrow for me. Apparently I'm going to have two teachers that give out a lot of homework.
And so...
I guess you can see where this is going.
I've been taking higher priority over my story "Secrets of a Utopia."
And well... I'll say the news. Just go down farther and read it. You may sound like an idiot if you don't read it, even though you can probably see where this is going.


No. I'm not going to give up on this story. The exact opposite, actually. This person in the forums is doing this September writing challenge like Nanowrimo. The person said you can start a new story or continue one you are working on, and I've decided to be working on this one because I have much more to write compared to my other story (this one will be finished in 10k to 20k words so it wouldn't be a good idea to work on that one). You thought the news would be bad, didn't you? Well you were wrong.

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