27 - I thought you weren't real

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I go up to someone who is walking to their room.

"Hello," I say to them.

"Hi?" I they reply.

"Will you come with me?" I ask.

"Why?" they ask, in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Just come!" I say.

"No," they say.

"I want to show you something cool!"

"Well..." they start.

"Please! It's really cool!" I say.

I grab them by the hand and I drag them to my room.

"I really should go to my room," they say.

"This will be quick," I say bringing them into my room.

I close the door behind us.

I didn't plan this part! I guess I'll put them to sleep... but... I will need to get it out!

"Wait here," I instruct.

They stand there, waiting. I get on the ground and I take out my syringe and I put in a little liquid from the sleep bottle. It is only enough for one person. Wait. Since when was this my syringe? Well I guess it kind of is now...

I hide the syringe behind my back.

"Alright," I whisper, "don't scream."

"Scream? Why would I scream?" they ask.

I then put the syringe into them, and they fall to the ground.

I start laughing, and I can't stop. I eventually stop laughing.

I then take all of bottles out and look at them. I find all of the bottles that have to do with sleep. I take out the bottle for sleep, the bottle for knock out and the bottle called sleep/knock out v2.

I put some of the liquid from each into the syringe. I only put a little so I don't waste it.

I walk over to the sleeping person, and I put the syringe into them. They don't move, as they are sleeping.

I pull the sleeping person under my bed. I sit on top of it, wondering if my plan has worked or not. I doubt that it worked, but I don't know. I can only wait and see.

I sit on the bed, not doing much. Every once in a while I check under the bed to see if he is still sleeping. Everytime I check, he is still there. Still sleeping.

I start to get bored, but I continue to stay on my bed, checking every so often. I start to check more and more.

I'm checking way too much.

After what feels like an eternity, I hear an announcement to go to the lounge.

I don't want to be in here... but I need to make sure he doesn't wake up... I think I'll leave. It's too boring in here anyway. I can come and check on him if I want to.

I leave my room and I go to the lounge. In the lounge, I am worried that the person in my room will wake up. I sit at a chair near the hallway with the rooms. I think I will be going back to my room often.

Soon after sitting down, I go to my room. I check to see if the person in my room is still sleeping, and he is. I then quickly head back to the lounge. I sit back down in the chair I was sitting in.

"Hi," my friend says coming over to me a few minutes after I have sat down for the second time.

"Hello," I reply.

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