26 - You aren't real

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When should I put this plan into action? I think to myself while in my room.

I should think back to my plan first. So I will put someone to sleep so they will not wake up. I will tell the person to come with me, and then I will bring them to my room. If possible, I will do it when we have to go to our rooms. Oh right. I was going to change that part, since people will not come. They will go to their own room. Although if I ask them to come with me when we have time in the lounge, they will definitely not come. Even if they do, it will attract attention. Just going alone no one seems to notice me leave, but I can't be sure about going with another person. It's too risky. I guess I'll try the first one...

I sit on my bed, thinking about what I should do now.

What should I do? I finalized the plan... Wait. When will I put this plan into action? I never thought about that. I think I should do it soon. Anytime soon. Such as tomorrow.

I end up sitting on my bed, very bored.

I'm really bored! I'm ready to leave!

That could be a good idea. Leaving my room. I guess I'll leave my room and just walk around.

I get up from my bed, and I open the door to my room. I leave, slamming the door closed.

I walk down the hallway, walking past rooms. I don't walk the direction of the lounge but I walk the other way.

I turn down one of the hallways where the rooms are that lead to even more rooms. I continue to turn down hallways, looking at each.

I should go back to my room now.

I start walking back.

Am I close to it yet? I don't know... I don't... I... I'm lost. I think that I am lost. I don't know where my room is.

I walk down hallways trying to find my own, but I don't see it.

I have no idea if I'm close to it or not! I hate this! I need to find it!

I continue to walk around, looking for it.

Ugh! I can't find it! If I can't find it then... Then I will be stuck here!

I then hear an announcement that we all have to go to the lounge.

I know what I will do. I will follow everyone else to get to the lounge.

Someone walks out of their room, and I start following them. As more people come out of their rooms, I change the person that I am following so no one thinks I am following them. Luckily I get to the lounge.

I'm at the lounge now. I thought I would never get back to my room, let alone the lounge. I know where my room is from here. Although now I don't need to go to my room.

I decide to look for my friend, because I am not putting my plan into action today. I have finalized my plan, so I don't need to work on it at all.

It takes me a little while to find my friend, but eventually I find him.

"Hello," I say to him.

"Hello," he replies.

"Do you want to talk?" I ask.

"Sure," he replies.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asks me.

"I don't know," I reply.

"There isn't really anything to talk about, is there?" he asks me.

"Yeah, there isn't."

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