2 - Playing Games for Too Long After New Schedules Are Announced

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The next day, all of us test subjects have to go a special room where we will be told how our schedules will change.

We all have to wait in a line and wait for our names to be called. I don't know about others, but personally I am scared. We all have to line up by number and I don't know anyone near me.

Eventually the person in front of me goes into the room that we all have to go into to find out our schedules. I haven't seen anyone come out of it, so I am even more scared.

"Number 9536," a man calls.

I cannot walk. I am too scared to walk. I know that I should, but my body will not move. I cannot bring myself to go into the room. Even though I know it is safe, I can't do it.

"Number 9536," the man calls again.

I have to do it! I have to!

I force myself to walk into the room. It takes a while and the man seems a little bit annoyed, but I do it.

When I walk into the room, a lady greets me.

"Hello 9536," she says.

"Hello," I reply.

"Now for your schedule," she says, handing me a piece of paper.

I scan the paper. I see that I will be spending more time in my room and more time in testing. I will not be having meals with everyone else.

"I will send that to you," she tells me, smiling.

I know she is talking about my plate on my arm, as there is nothing else that she could be talking about.

My plate is something that I wear on my arm that says my schedule and all.

"Where is the time for all of this?" I ask.

"Oh. The scientists will come and get you when it is time," she tells me.

"Oh," I reply.

"By the way, please use that door over there," she tells me, pointing to a door that I didn't notice before.

"Thanks," I reply.

I walk through the door to see more test subjects here. It seems to be all the test subjects that have already been in that room I was just in.

What, more waiting? I'm sick of waiting.

Eventually a man speaks, "Test subjects. As you know, you have all learned your new schedules. I would like to address some new rules. First off, there will be no more going into the library. Second of all, do not call others by their number. Everyone you may go to your rooms now."

We all walk back to our rooms. I don't really want to be in my room right now, but I guess I could think about what the man said.

I don't like that my friend and I will not be able to read in the library together. I had fun reading with her.

"9536 please come to testing," says a voice.

I enter the transporter in my room and click the button for testing. The transporter slowly gets faster and soon slowly gets slower, just like always.

A protector is outside of the door to testing, like always.

"What is your number?" asks the protector.

"9536," I answer.

The protector opens the door for me and I enter.

"9536, follow me," says the scientist who has greeted me for the past week.

Test Subject #9536Where stories live. Discover now