1 - Unexpected News

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"Test Subject #9536, please report for testing. Test Subject #9536, please report for testing," I hear.

I walk to the nearest transporter and walk in. A red light flashes and then I touch "testing." The transporter then starts to move and go to "testing." I am the only one in this transporter, and that is the way it always is. I have never been in a transporter with anyone else.

The transporter starts to move slowly, getting faster by the second. I know that I will soon be at my destination. That makes me smile a little, as I think about how lost I would be without transporters. I don't know the place at all, and I don't have time to explore. I am busy doing other things.

I don't even know if I can leave the areas I am in most of the time unless I use a transporter. I can only use a transporter at certain times, but I haven't looked for an alternate routes. When I have free time and I am in the lounge, I don't look around to find a way out. I don't have a reason to if I'm relaxing.

The transporter starts to slow down and I know I will soon be at my destination. I wonder what I will be tested on today. No, I can't think about that. What I'm being tested on doesn't matter.

When I exit the transporter, I see two protectors. Protectors are here to protect everyone and make sure that everyone goes to where they are supposed to go. These two protectors that I see are guarding the door to testing.

"What is your number?" asks the protector on the right.

"9536," I reply.

The other protector opens the door and I walk in. He closes the door right after I enter.

"9536, this way," a scientist says after I enter.

I follow the scientist down a brightly lit hall. All of the hallways are like this. I haven't seen a place that isn't lit up. We finally reach a door in the brightly lit hallway that says "Testing Room 57."

"In here," she says.

The door opens when I get in front of it. I walk right through it once this happens. I then see the familiar sights of a testing room. All of the testing rooms look the same, so I have pretty much memorized what they look like. When you walk in a testing room, there is a desk and chair to your right. There is a bed to your left but farther into the testing room. There are a bunch of machines all around and a counter with cabinets. The size of the room is perfect for the amount of things that have been put in here. It is not too big or too small.

"Please lie down on the bed and drink this," says the scientist handing me a dark purple drink which I drink and then lie down on the bed.

"Alright," I hear a voice which seems to be the scientist from before.

"Now stand up," I hear a man's voice say.

I stand up with my eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes," he says to me.

I open them without hesitation. It's as if I am being controlled.

"That wasn't what we wanted..." I hear him say.

"What did you want?" I ask.

"Undo," he says.

I stay put.

"Undo," he speaks again.

I close my eyes.

"Undo," he says yet again.

I get back into the bed exactly the way I was before.

"Hmm..." I hear from the man.

"What is it?" asks a female voice.

Test Subject #9536Where stories live. Discover now