20 - I Hope

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I decide that I have to find a way out of here, fast. I can't stay here hoping that I will magically get out.

Based on what I know about different parts of the building, I am assuming that everywhere in each part is connected. It seems that there are many different parts, as I have been to three, this one being my third.

If that is true, then I should find a way to everywhere else in this area.

I walk around the lounge, and I find a door that I had never opened before. I guess it had always been there, such as the door in the mess hall, but no one ever entered it. It just seemed like a door... I wasn't supposed to enter.

I slowly push the door open, and I feel like I am doing something wrong. I don't know why.

Once I have pushed the door open, there is a hallway. This time the hallway doesn't start right after I open the door.

I decide to go left.

I walk left, and I see two doors right next to teach other. I push the doors open, and I find myself in a room with a few lights. There are also shelves all around, filled with something. I don't know what is on the shelves.

I pick up one of the items on the shelf, and inside I find words, like on the box of the games. I don't know what any of this means, and there is a lot more on here than there is on the box of the games I play.

I could never read the words on the box of the games, so it makes sense that I can't read this. Paul said he would teach me how to read... he never did. Doesn't matter, he is just like the scientists. Evil.

On the box of the games, I could guess what it said, but I can't guess what this says. The box of the games I would play also showed a picture that related to the game, so I could get the general idea of what it said.

I look at a few other of the objects on the shelves. The other objects also have words inside. All of these objects look similar on the outside.

This whole room is filled with the objects on the shelves, so I leave as it doesn't seem to be any use to me. Before I leave, I pick up the syringe and bottles that I had put on the ground to look at the objects.

I start walking left, the direction of the door that goes into here. I go past the door in hope to find something useful.

It starts to get darker, and I am tired of holding the syringe and bottles. I continue to hold them anyway, as I would have nowhere to put them.

I eventually see another light. This one is flickering as well. It doesn't flicker as often though.

I eventually find myself in front of a wall. The wall then opens up.

Should I go through? Remember what happened last time... I'll do it. I'll take the risk. It could help me get out.

I walk through, and the wall closes back up soon after. I then turn around, and walk back to the wall. It opens up again.

I turn back around, as I want to continue on. I continue to walk, eventually passing by rooms. I go in one of the rooms, and they look the same as the room that I sleep in. Maybe this is where the watchers go to sleep...

Eventually, I find myself in a big lit up room...? If I continue on forward, I will be going down another hallway. There is a transporter in here. I also see another hallway, that I am assuming goes to more transporters. There is also a door here. The door resembles the door into testing.

This looks like the outside of testing... I think it might be.

I run over to the door, and I put the syringe and bottle down. I try to open the door that looks like the testing door, but it doesn't open.

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