10 - Bike Riding

180 10 3

"Get up," the scientist says to me and I get up.

"Hello. How are you?"

"Hello. I'm doing badly," she replies.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"Well... It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does."

"I'm... just not feeling all that great."

"Are you sick?"

"No, I'm not sick."

"Then what is it?"

"I'm just feeling down."

"Feeling down?"

"Not feeling how I usually feel."

"Not feeling the same?"

"Pretty much. I'm just feeling sad... I guess."

"I see. Do you need time alone?"

She looks at me.

"Yes, I do. Here... drink... this..." she says handing me a purple drink.

"Understood," I reply drinking it and then laying down.

"It... was for the best," I hear her whisper.

I am about to ask, "What was?" but I fall asleep before I get the chance to.

"Get up," she says to me.

I get up.

"Hello. How are you?" I ask.

"Hello. I'm doing a lot better now."

"That's good."

"What do you want to do?" she asks me.

"I want to learn to ride my bike some more."

"Let's go."

We both walk to the room where I can ride my bike. I get on one of the bikes in the room and I start -to ride it. Just like the previous times, I fail although I'm doing better this time than the previous times.

I ride my bike until I get tired really tired out.

"I'm tired," I say to the scientist.

"Alright, let's take a break then," she replies.

We sit down on the bench.

"I'm getting hungry."

"Why don't we go to the mess hall and eat?" she suggests.


I follow her to the mess hall.

When we arrive, she gets one meal.

"Here," she says handing me the meal.

We then sit down at one of the tables.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I ask.

"I'm... not hungry," she hesitates.

"You hesitated."

"Oh... I did?" she asks.

"Yes. You are hungry, aren't you?"

"No..." she hesitates again.

"Just eat something if you're hungry."

"Well..." she starts.

"You're hungry. Just go eat!" I yell.

"I'm not hungry!" she yells.

Test Subject #9536Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz