11 - It's all New

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I open my eyes. Where am I? What happened?

I look at myself.

I am laying on a bed and most of my body is under the blankets. Most of the part that isn't under the blankets is wrapped in something white.

What happened?

I remember... I was determined to learn how to ride my bike without falling off and then I saw all that red...

"I see you're awake," says the scientist coming into the room.

"Yes," I reply.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine. What happened?"

"With all those bandages?"


"The white you are wrapped in is a bandage."

"Oh. What happened?"

"You had blood all over you."


"Blood is a darker red that comes from inside your body."

"I see. Why did I have blood on me?"

"From when you were riding your bike. You got so many cuts from falling."

"What is a cut?"

"When you fall sometimes you get what it called a cut. Blood comes out of there."

"I think I get it. Did anything else happen?"

"You fell onto the ground and... fell asleep. You were losing too much blood so you had to have more put in you. The cuts will heal soon."

"I see. How long does it take for them to heal?"

"Not long, a few days."

"I see."

So it seems I shouldn't have tried so hard to ride my bike without falling off. Apparently I lost a lot of blood and I'm going to have to heal. I never noticed that there was blood all over me until a minute or two before I "fell asleep."

"Anyway, I brought you food."

She picks up a tray of food and hands it to me.

"Is it normal to eat in bed?"


"Do you eat in bed?"


"Could I eat in the Mess Hall?"

"You need to heal."


"Get better."

"Do I have to heal?"


"I'm fine."

"No. You will eat here."

"Do I have to? Does it matter where I eat?"

"Yes it does mater. You need to rest."


I take the tray of food from her and start to eat it.

"When will I be able to eat in the Mess Hall again?"

"In a day or two."


After I finish, the scientist takes the tray from me.

"I will bring this back to the Mess Hall. You should get some rest," the scientist tells me.

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