5 - Testing Interrupted our Fun

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4 days later, I have had testing 3 more times. The scientist tells me that I no longer have to use the machine to eat.

"You can eat normally now," she says.

"Alright," I reply.

I have gotten used to my new voice now. I have talked to my friend once and she didn't find it weird. I think that's part of the reason why I have gotten used to it. It isn't that bad of a voice in the first place.

"I will bring you to the nearest transporter. You have time in the lounge right now," she says.

I follow her to the nearest transporter and then I go to the lounge. When I reach it, I see my friend.

"Yay, you're here," I say running over to her.

"Yeah, I'm here," she says.

"I really wish my voice would be normal again. I am used to it by now, but it has no emotion."

"Maybe it will be back to normal after a while. Besides, it's not that bad."

I don't say anything.

"How about we play this game?" asks my friend picking up a game.


Looking at the game, it looks interesting.


I read the directions. This game is a game where you have to get the most cards in a certain amount of time and then whoever gets rid of all of their cards first wins.

"Let's start!" says my friend once she has set up the game.

"Alright," I say.

The game doesn't start out really hard, but it doesn't start out really easy either. We are trying to get the most cards, but there are cards that make someone else put some of theirs back.

"No!" I say when my friend puts down a "Put 4 back."

I put 4 cards back.

My friend then picks up a card and it is my turn again.

I put down a "Put 2 back" card down and my friend puts two cards back.

I then pick up a card and it is my friends turn.

She puts down a "Put four back."

I put 4 cards back.

She then picks up a card.

In this game if you put down a put back card down, the other person has to put back that amount of cards. Then you take a card. Then the other person's turn starts.

I just pick up a card this time.

We continue to do this-I pick up a card and then my friend makes me put back 4.

"How long are you going to do this for?" she asks me.

"Aren't you running out of put back cards by now?" I ask.

"I guess.... Wait what? Was this your plan?"

"Let's just continue the game."

My friend is very competitive and is good at most of the games, but she isn't as good at the new games that come every once in a while since she hasn't played them most.

There isn't much time left.

I start putting down put back cards. I have a ton of those now.

"Ugh," she says once I assume she has run out of put back cards.

Test Subject #9536Where stories live. Discover now