29 - Killer

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NOTE: This chapter is more on the violent side. Although there isn't any gore, as there is only words used to describe what is going on is blood stained on the MC's clothes. I'm just warning you, just in case.

"What makes you say that?" I hear scientist 112 ask.

"I heard that the eyes of the person who did it looked red or something like that... Test subject 10652 has eyes that are tinted red or whatever. Also, 10652 killed somebody," says scientist 136.

"What? She killed someone?"

"10652 was the one who escaped."

Scientist 112 doesn't say anything for a moment.

"What did we do wrong?" scientist 112 asks.

"I don't know... Maybe no one can create another person inside of someone without that happening."

"Well... before we take action we should ask what we should do."

"Your right," says scientist 136.

I leave the room I am in, with my syringe. My precious syringe.

I start walking down the hallway, and I see someone react to the dead body.

I stab them with the syringe. They fall to the ground, and die. I try my best to stop myself from laughing, but I still do. It is relatively quiet though.

I turn back around, and I hide outside the room that scientist 112 and scientist 136 are in.

"What did he say?" scientist 112 asks.

"He said to get delete the program, no matter the costs," says scientist 136.

"I see."

No! No! No! They wouldn't delete it. They had felt proud.

They walk over to a machine in the room. They do something on the machine.

"Once I finish this you will go to a room nearby. We are in room 51... I think room 65 is open down the hall," says scientist 112.

I then leave and run to room 65.

I hear scientist 136 say, "Done deleting the programing."

An evil smile creeps on my face. I'm still here.

"I'll go now," I can barely hear scientist 112 say.

I can hear her walking to room 65. She walks into the room.

"No!" she yells, and I stab her with the syringe.

She quickly falls to the ground. Her eyes start to close. Her breathing gets slower and slower, until she is no longer breathing. Until she is dead.

I quickly run out of the room, down the hallway. I turn down another hallway, and soon yet another. Scientist 136 will be seeing what I did soon enough. I can imagine how she will react. Horrified. Wondering what she did wrong.

I just killed her friend! I just killed her friend! That felt awesome! Maybe I'll even kill her too.

I decide to leave testing. As I go, the amount of liquid from the bottle gets lower and lower. This is because I am killing more people. As I go, I count the number of people that I kill. The amount of people that I have killed with this syringe.

The first person I killed.

I had looked under my bed to find him still sleeping. I had decided to kill him.

Test Subject #9536Where stories live. Discover now