Chapter 62: Demon's Double Sword: Kurotama

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"My, my. Aren't you a little sneaky, boy?" cloak-man spoke. He brushed his fingers through his hair and grinned.

"Who are you?" HanGyuk asked in stern voice that would instantly send shivers down your spine.

"Me? AHAHAHA! I don't think I have to tell you, do I? Well, since I'm a nice person, I'll tell you. At least before you...die." black aura surrounded the man. 

With HanGyuk's quick reaction, he jumped off the tree and landed as if he's a feather and started running away, in such incredible inhuman speed. Leaves scatters as he ran past making it as a cover for their escape.

"Uncle! Watch out!" SaeRyun called. HanGyuk quickly dodges of whatever that is coming towards them and continued on running away. Just how deep in the forest did we travel? 

After a while, SaeRyun noticed something. He's been observing the surrounding ever since but, it was just too suspicious of why he can see the same tree that he marked when they enter the forest.

"Illusion." SaeRyun blurted out. HanGyuk stopped and stared at the child.

"We've been going around in circles...aren't we? So it's an illusion, huh. These abilities of yours, I'm starting to think that you're like one of us." HanGyuk said. 

"Youngsters these days, full of energy. But that's okay! You won't have to run around anymore. I'll disable you before you could spill the beans to anyone." the man's eyes glowed red. He made some hand gestures and whispered.

"O people of hell, screeching evil spirits, demons born to kill; I, Rogue Agma, Black Mage of Hell, command you to lend me your power! Rise! Demon Golem!"Rogue chanted. 

The ground started to shake. Around Rogue, there was a circle of red-like witchcraft drawings and five giant golems rose up, burning in fire. SaeRyun covered himself while HanGyuk stares at the golems and the black mage.

"A fire Demon Golems? This is a surprise. It's my first time seeing this kind. Interesting." he murmured. "SaeRyun, go stand over there, hide behind a tree. The one that is far enough from this area, okay?" SaeRyun nodded and ran over to the tree, furthest from the battle area.

"Oi, old man!That's some nice golems you have." HanGyuk grinned. He grinned like how used to before. That sexy-evil killer grin. 

"Old man?! Do I look like an old man to you, you brat?! And what the hell are you giving me that grin for?" Rogue annoyingly asked.

"Nothing? Its just...its been awhile since I feel this excited. I don't know how weak I've gotten though. Hey, old man, I'll take you on." HanGyuk challenged the man with those cocky attitude of his.

"Ah?! What are you being cocky for?! You fckn brat?! Fine, I'll take you on. Don't go begging to be spared later. I won't go easy on you." Rogue became serious and an intent to kill could be felt in his golems.

"Beg to be spared?" HanGyuk's lips formed a smile. A smile that betrays all of his innocence and kindness. The kind of smile that people make when they're about to slaughter someone. "Who the fck will beg their life to you? I'll tell you this, it's been awhile since the last time I actually beat someone terribly. You don't know how much this body of mine desired to kill. Be careful, I don't hold back." HanGyuk licked his lips and smirked. (refer to the image up there^^ lmao)

HanGyuk went on his fighting stance while glaring intensely to the other man. The two exchange glares before Rogue went ahead and attack using his golems. The golems formed weapons with their arms and altogether attack HanGyuk. With his fast reflexes, he easily avoided the attack. Experienced and smart as he is, HanGyuk analyse the enemies before launching an attack. He jumped on to one of the golem's head and released a powerful punch that shattered the golem's head and body.

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