Bonus Scene #3

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I was with Aleyna the whole afternoon after my time with Aiden. Aiden of course, busy with his kingly duties. The day after we went back from our honeymoon, pules of papers were stuck in his desk.

"Ma'am, your macaroons." A maid told us and placed a plate of macaroons at the table.

"Thank you Pam." she curtsied and head away my room.

"So when's the big day Aleyna?" Aleyna looked at me with a very annoyed attitude.

"You've asked me many times, Clare...Your more annoying than Sophie." I giggled and took a bite of the delicious macaroons.

"...but...It's on the next month."

"Really? Oh my god, I'm so exci..." Suddenly I felt sick and I rushed towards the comfort room. I started to vomit, sickness again?
"Oh baby you don't like macaroons huh?" I whispered to myself while rubbing my tummy.

"Baby?" I looked around and noticed Aleyna at my back. Ugh what a way to keep a secret for youself, Clare.

"Yeap?" I smiled akwardly. She raced towards me and hugged me tight.

"Oh my god, I'm going to an Aunt. Wow you got a child first huh, Clare." She laughed.

"Sure did."

"Does Aiden know already?" I shook my head. "Not yet."

"When is your plan, Clare?"

"At his birthday, some sort of gift."
"You are full of suprises, Clare. Really. I'll help you with the plans..." We talked about our plan for Aiden the rest of the afternoon. Thinking of names, guessing if it's a boy or a girl.

No matter what fender this child of mine is. I would be really greatful, my family is complete.

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