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My whole will be a total journey for me tomorrow. Wait. I don't know anymore. Will I be happy? Annoyed? I was picked as one of the selected, I just can't believe this. It's like last week I was just at my favorite place reading fantasy and fairytale novels and now I'm gonna live in a palace and fight for the Prince. Wait fight?
I really just can't believe I was called yesterday at The Choosing Ceremony. Now this is really a gift(sarcasm).

As soon as we got home...Immediately family seriously looked wierd, mixed emotion perhaps. Mom was a full of joy. Dad was nervous for me. Sophie was jealous because she's just 14.
Aleyna was... crying saying that she's gonna miss me.

We headed back home as soon as The Choosing Ceremony, to pack my things for tomorrow my life is about to change. Am I even ready to be a princess? I'm just a girl who wears jeans and reads books. Alone.

"Clare?" Aleyna knocked my door before entering. I stopped with everything I was doing and joined her as we both landed our bodies in my bed. 

"Are You Ready?" she looked at me, being a big sister again.

"I Think so...well I haven't fixed my clothes yet. I don't even know what to bring." I panicked.

"My advice. Bring light, maybe the palace will provide the things that you need there. Just bring your favorite things or that will remind you of home."



"What if I become the One?"

"Then your the One. No one can change that and maybe you will develop some feelings for the Prince." she giggled. "I'm so glad I'm not 19" she added.

"Why because of your  b o y f r i e n d, Milees?" she smiled.

"Well if I'm selected, maybe I'm just desperate to see him right now." Miles and Aleyna have been together for 2 years now, and they look perfect for each other.

"Plans for Marriage?" she laughed and faced my head board, making her lying down in her stomach.

"We have talked about that, but come on Clare. Mom and Dad doesn't even know that we're together." she gave me a sad smile. Only Aleyna and I know her secret. Well mom and dad's rule for her is to have a boyfriend until she finishes Med School. Well since Aleyna already turned 19 when King Anthony proclaimed the rule of Marriage at 19. The King let the parents decide for their children and that's what mom and dad did.

Aleyna stood up and helped me get up and helped me fix my things for tomorrow.

I only brought few clothes, mostly tees and jeans. i want to be confortable at the palace not just to be a robot there and follow every rule you know.

For the last time, I went to my fave place. I got the key and opened the door. I lighted up the lamp and when I turned around I saw Noah sitting with fingerfoods we love to eat together. I was so startled I didn't even know he was there.

"Damn Noah, you startled me." He laughed and stood up, he held my hands and kissed my forehead. 

"Sorry. Well...we still have a birthday to celebrate right?" he smiled.

We sat down and began eating the delicious food he prepared. 

"So are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"I guess so, I have talked to the princess, but for you can I be a Prince in Consort?"

"Sure you can!" I exclaimed making him laugh a little bit.

"And You will be  an awesome princess, Clary." he smiled and held my hand up again.

"Oh...I don't think so Noah. I don't think I can be. Well I've always dreamed of this to happen, but not in the way, for love. and Noah I don't even know how to pour tea properly."

"It's not about pouring tea, Clary. It's about here..." he puts his hands on my chest pointing out my heart.

"This is why love you Clary. Because of your heart. Maybe the people will love you too... Just the way I love you." he cupped his hands on my chin and made his face near mine, and kissed me. He kiss was so passionate I really felt that he loves me, but I didn't really felt that spark. I broke the kiss thinking that it was time to go home.

"I think we should go, we have a big day tomorrow, and for me it's a whole day of adjusting." he gave me a sad smile.

"Yah I think so..."

"Don't be like that Noah. We will be seeing each other tomorrow at the palace." he looked at me and gave me a smile, his true smile.

I got all my things and so did he getting all the things he brought. we went outside and locked the door. He held my hand and when we were near our house, we separated ways. For a new day will start tomorrow.

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