Chapter 49

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Yugi felt a feeling of dread slam into his heart hard as he lay in his hospital bed, alone and weak. He couldn't move or do much, but his feelings of alertness and worry couldn't be any stronger.

Something wasn't alright. Atem was gone... He knew that already. He flew out of the airplane when the back had been torn off and fell from thousands of feet off the ground.

No one. Absolutely no one could survive a fall from that height. That was what was terrible.

He was a soldier. He didn't deserve to die a brutal death like that.

...but at least he didn't feel any pain.

At least it was upon impact and it wasn't dragged out.

"O-Oh God..." Yugi whimpered in his bed, wincing once more when his artificial heart throbbed within his chest, "...what...why...? Why must it be this way...?"

Suddenly, a knock could be heard on his door and a timid feminine voice sounded as the door creaked open to a simple crack, a young woman peered inside.

"Yugi?" She quietly called into the room.

Yugi looked at her.

"M-Mana...?" He whispered weakly.

She smiled slightly, a sad look in her eyes. Mahad stood behind him and walked in.

"You're awake." He knelt at Yugi's bedside, "You were being really quiet in here. I didn't know if you were asleep or not!"

Mahad stiffly chuckled and looked back at Mana, who stood on the other side of him, smiling sadly.

"You wanted to see Yami, correct?" She tilted her head, holding a folded wheelchair in her arms.

Yugi nodded quickly and weakly, his heart jumping. He wanted to. He wanted to see Yami again so much. He had to see him.

"P-Please...!" He whimpered, his head suddenly beating.

Mahad rubbed Yugi's head gently.

"Calm down." He chuckled, "We'll take you to him. But we don't want you to hurt yourself."

Yugi nodded slightly and carefully. He sat up, wincing when his heart throbbed once more. He hated having an artificial heart. He knew he needed an actual organ if he was going to survive.

Mahad rested his hand on his back, helping him sit up and stay up while Mana unfolded the chair. Yugi slid into it lightly, sighing slightly when he finally sat down gently.

"Alright, you ready?" Mana hid the tears in her eyes as she pushed him out with Mahad following close behind her, "I think this is something good for both of you. For you and for Yami... Especially for Yami."

Yugi's heart sank when he heard those words.

He knew what was happening and he couldn't help the tears that were coming to his eyes when he thought about it.

Yami couldn't be dying. He couldn't. He had to live. Who else would Yami be able to live for? To live with? Who else would make him laugh?

Yugi couldn't think that way. He had to see him now. Mana and Mahad were helping him do so and that's all he could ever ask for.

Soon, his room came into view and Mahad opened the door for them, silence engulfing all three of them. The only sounds that could be heard was the sound of the machines Yami was on. The respirator, the life supports. The heart monitor.

Yami lay there motionless, as if he was already dead. He was pale and weak. Wires were connected to him everywhere. It hurt Yugi to look at him and to compare him to what he used to be.

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