Chapter 39

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Yugi and Yami both waited in the air port line to go through security. Yugi never realized that it would have taken them as long as it was right now.

Yami flopped over their suitcase and groaned.

"YUUUUUUGIIIIIIII." He whined, playfully.

"WHAAAAAAAAT?" Yugi responded in the same tone as him.

"CAN WE GOOOOOOOO?" He returned.

Yugi shook his head.

"NOOOOOO, I'M SORRY BUT WE CAAAAAAAN'T." He laughed slightly.

"BUT I'M BOOOOOOORED!!!" Yami fllopped again, now on his back, looking at Yugi.

Yugi tapped his nose.

"We'll get on the plane when we get on the plane. The line will move soon enough." He straightened up again and looked around, "Now, where's Atem?"

Yami stood up straight as well and looked around just as Yugi did.

"Well, that's a really good question, aibou..." He turned, "I thought he said he was going to go to the bathroom, but he should have been back a few moments ago..."

"Hey! Sorry!" A voice suddenly broke their searching silence as a tan man around Yami's height came running towards them, "I ran into some friends!"

Yugi tilted his head.

"Who?" He asked.

"Some fellow soldiers. They were called back to war earlier than I was. Thankfully, I'm able to actually go on a vacation before I have to go back on the battlefield." Atem smiled, a look of sudden worry in his eyes.

Yugi turned when the line began to move and he could have sworn he heard Atem say something under his breath:

"...I hope they're still there when I return, too..."

Yugi looked at him slightly, but he was too busy picking up his bags to even notice. They stepped up to the person who would take their bags and load them onto the belt that would take their luggage to the plane and Yugi took out his passport.

Atem handed me his own and I could hardly believe all the stamps he had on his.

Yami put his on the desk and the lady examined them and weighed our luggage each one at a time.

Yugi carefully shifted the book sack on my back and watched.

"You're on your way to Italy?" The lady grinned.

Yami smiled.

"You know it!" He laughed.

"I've heard it's wonderful! I've always wanted to go, but I've never gotten the chance. Or the money." She sighed slightly, giggling quickly after, "But it's fine! I'm fine right here, surrounded by family and friends."

Yami grinned.

"Well, we'll be sure to send all the pictures back to ya through the mail!" He playfully responded.

"That sounds great!" The lady replied, giggling and putting their bags on the belt and sending them into the place all the bags went until they were put onto the planes.

They left there and Yami and Atem engaged in conversation as they went through security to get to their concourse.

"Oh my god, well I remember reading a letter from Heba telling me that story about you and the little Arab kid who kept calling you 'pickle'! What was that about?" Yami laughed, playfully patting Atem's back.

"I didn't even know! I still don't know!" Atem's hearty laughter filled the air and he looked at Yami, "That kid is now twelve years old and even he doesn't know why he would keep calling me 'pickle'! That name followed me for months afterwards!"

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