Chapter 20

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The day went on, extremely tense and stressful. The surgery nearly failed and if it weren't for Yami's skills at seconds-to-death surgeries, it would have failed.

Needless to say, the results weren't the best.

Jessie was since in a coma that was induced by his body in the procedure and because of this coma, his memory could deteriorate even more than what they wanted.

He was to remain in the complex ICU for monitoring. They didn't know how long it was going to be until he got out of there, but it was believed to be more than a month.

Yami walked down the hall, sighing to himself as he left the surgery room to try to fix the boy. Although the results weren't what he wanted, they were far better than what they would have been had they gone unnoticed.

Yami walked down the hall that he knew all too well. He could draw you a map of the entire hospital and every single floor and name every single doctor, nurse, surgeon, or patient that came here.

He knew everyone, and everyone knew him.

Yami's world was a very small one. He was a popular doctor and after his little catastrophe with the car accident and everything that unfolded after that, he realized how famous he was.

His patients would run up to him and hug him or chatter senselessly like they always did, but with a slightly relieved tone in their voices. Some children and young women would cry when they saw him.

Just knowing all this made him feel good about his job as a doctor.

One patient made him laugh. It was a little old lady who came to see him. She wasn't like any of his other little old patients he had to tend to on a daily basis. She was a lot different.

She had a lot of years of experience and loved to tell stories. She thought he was dead and she said her exact quote was, "Oop. There he goes. Too good for this world, he had to be traded off for the next. I tell ya, he's a living example that Only The Good Die Young."

He found that statement amusing. He personally loved how she wasn't ashamed of it. She said it the way it was. Her husband died after 60 years of marriage which was a milestone in Yami's eyes. She lives even now, 20 years later.

80 years old and still kicking. He always thought she was a trip.

Yami went down to the front desk since he didn't think he had anything else on his schedule for a while. Mana was supposed to be down there. She wasn't included in the surgery that happened less than a half an hour ago. She probably had something going on that he'd want to be a part of.

"Oh Yaaaaaaami~!" Yami suddenly overheard Yugi's voice from behind him and he turned around, seeing Yugi running down the hall with a giggling and giddy little boy who Yami knew all too well.

"Yuya~!!" Yami beamed.

"U-Uncle Yamiiiiiiii~!!" The green and red haired boy called, out of breath as he and Yugi raced down the hall.

He ran right into Yami's arms, Yami sweeping him off of his feet and twirling once before setting him on his hip and looking at him as Yuya continued to hug him tightly.

"What are you doing here? Did you lose your parents again?" Yami poked his nose.

"Nope~!" Yuya giggled, nuzzling him lovingly, "I had an appointment~! And I wanted to see Youuu~!"

Yugi giggled, meeting Yami's side.

"Apparently, he snuck away from his mom when he saw me and he thought I was you." Yugi ruffled Yuya's hair, Yuya's face going a slightly red shade.

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