"Why do you eat all the damn time? That's why you fat now." I just watched him as he blabbered I was on the verge of crying. "Try taking a hike or something." He laughed. I threw the strawberries down in the sink because I was washing them and ran upstairs. I began writing in my diary. My stomach was growling bad. But I didn't wanna eat. Maybe I need to leave the house. Get some me time. I went to my closet and got out pink legging pink sports bra. And a pink jacket to wrap around my waist with my jordans. I grabbed my keys and started walking out.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Out." I simply said paying him no mind.

"Oh so you taking my word and going on a hike?" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"No I'm not actually I'm leaving to get some me time. I'm pretty sure I lost enough weight living with you." I slammed the door. I was walking to the car then remembered I didn't plan where I was going. I think the park will be good for fresh air I thought. I pulled off to Emerson park. There was hardly and people there. Only a old couple walking through the flower path. And a young couple sitting on the bench across from me. They where there with a little boy. The man was actually pretty handsome. Dark skinned plumped lips. He had waives and was very tall. I didn't stare a lot though. His girlfriend is sitting right there. I got up and walked through the flower path. It was about 6'o'clock pm. It was getting dark. I remembered what I came here for which was to get my mind clear. I took my jacket fr around my waist and put it on. I was thinking about him calling me fat and telling me to run more. I didn't even notice I was crying. I put my hands over my face then wiped my tears. And kept walking. I looked back at the young couple. The mom and the son were getting in the car. But the dad stayed which confused me. I turned back around and just kept taking my stroll crying more and more every time I think about it. I put my head down, looking at the ground when I walked. I then felt 2 big hands placed around my waist. I jumped and screamed. Not loud though.

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