chapter one

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Nicki POV.

Me and Monte has been together for a very long time. 5 years to be exact. After we got married witch was 2 years ago he's been acting different. He hasn't looked at me the same. He doesn't talk to me the same. And it really makes me feel bad. I just wish we could be that strong couple everybody wanted to be. I cry almost every night because of it. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I think he's seeing another female. My feelings for him are slowly vanishing away. He WAS the love of my life now it like. Where did everybody go. Not only that, he is a abusive mean and not caring Husband. You maybe thinking why did you put yourself in that situation anyways. Trust me he was not like this. I repeat not like this. I was downstairs writing in my journal about my thoughts. I keep that locked all the time. I have some very deep stories In there I don't want anybody to see. Since I've been with him, I've had a eating disorder. Because he always call me fat. So I try and starve myself. I'm kinda hungry now. But don't wanna eat anything big. I'll just get Strawberry's. I walked downstairs and he was in the kitchen texting somebody and laughing I rolled my eyes at the sight and got some strawberry's. He looked at me while I washed them off.

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