I smiled, "You get on my nerves Aubrey, play too much". He smiled that pearly white smile, "Did you get your flowers". I nodded my head, "Yes, they were on the porch when I got home. Thanks".

"You know I got you. You wore that to work today"? I nodded my head, "Yes, why"? He shook his head, "Nothing, just asking".

"Oh". He looked away from the screen, as if he was talking to some in the background. "Where are you"?
"Miami". I rolled my eyes, "Weren't you just in Miami though, damn". He looked away from the phone again, not answering my question. "Bye" I hung up the phone, throwing it on the other end of the bed.

Why would you even call me, if you're going to pay more attention to the people in your background. Minutes later my phone rung again, but I decided not to answer it. I wasn't really mad, but I just wanted his attention while I could get. When we were just friends, he fought so hard to impress me. Now that we're in a so-called relationship, he barely cares.

I had a weak spot for him though, something I never had for anyone else. After we'd argue, I'd forgive him and I hated it. It came so natural though, like he knew exactly what buttons to press. My phone rung for the third time, which irritated me. I clicked the end button, turning my volume down.


Breathe in slow
Roll my shoulders
That with my eyes closed I could be
Anywhere that I wanna go
And it would be the same with my eyes shut
I thought if I achieved enough that I would find my peace
But even if I could
I'd have gave it up for nothing good
Nothing good
Mind on those who made me and the gifts that life gave to me
And I
I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good
Looking out the window feeling thing's I never thought I could
Let it go with me baby
Let it go with me baby
Let it go with me baby
In this moment we are everything

I sung along to Janine and The Mixtape, as I waited in traffic. I was in a happy mood, since it was the day of my display party. After traffic died down, I pulled into the parking lot of the shop. There were people waking in and out, probably setting up for the party that was in an hour or so.

I got out of my car, making sure to lock everything up. While popping my trunk to get my dress, Jason walked up beside me. "What took you so long boo, I've been here for an hour ready to to beat your face". I grabbed the dress and closed the trunk, "I'm sorry, traffic was a bitch today. I also had to turn the rental in, and get my car back".

He nodded his head, while we walked into the shop. I greeted a few people, before walking back to my office. "Go light, I want a calm natural look". He agree, and began his work on my face.

Jason was another one of my employees, one of the baddest in the makeup industry. Whenever I had a big event, I would always recommend Jason. He was a very passionate man, and gave his all every time.

After getting dressed in a Black-Tight Fitted gown, I made sure my hair was perfect. I was wearing my own hair extensions, called MARAJ. We decided on using my last name, since I really wanted the brand to fit me. The long, 24 in clip-in blended perfectly with my hair. The dress fitted perfectly, and the Black Christian Louboutins complimented well.

Before I knew it, Jelani was coming to tell me that it was show time. I wasn't nervous, but more anxious to see my own brand coming to life. It was a very small event, but if things work out there was a big chance of expansion. While the DJ introduced me, I heard claps coming from outside. I grabbed the end of the dress, and took careful steps.

Walking into the display area, I was greeted with family, friends, and business moguls. There were tables full of refreshments, gift bags, and a pop-up shop. My mother and brothers stood front and center, along with TeTe and Candy. I could feel my cheeks burning from all of the smiling. The place was decorated beautifully, everything was pink and black. My pictures were hung up across the shop, along with my signature label.

My favorite champagne was served, as I moved around to greet everyone before the night was over. I took pictures to post on Instagram, and took pictures with customers who'd purchased the products. 30 minutes before the night was over, I wanted to give a speech to show my appreciation. "May I see the mic please"? The DJ handed me the mic over the booth, while stopping the song that was playing.

"Good Evening everyone, My name is Kennedy Maraj. Just a few years ago, I created this salon with my older brother, not knowing what would happen". Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aubrey and a few of his guys walk in. Without getting distracted, I finished my speech.

"I was just a little girl who grew up in Queens, but this shop created a whole new path for me. I would love to thank every single one of my hairstylist, barbers, make-up artists, and nail techs who made Case de Pelo what it is today. I would like to thank my brother Jelani, for being my rock and the best brother in the world. He's really the one who makes sure the shop is on point".

I stopped for a moment, feeling tears falling down my cheek. "I would like to thank my mommy". I grabbed her hand, letting everyone see her. "She always told me to follow my dreams, and she's been my biggest supporter along the way". She kissed my cheek, while wiping my tears.

"I would like the thank the co-owners of MARAJ, thank you all for seeing my vision and investing in my brand". I searched the room, until my eyes landed on Aubrey. "Last but not least, I would like to thank every single one of you for supporting me tonight. Sadly, the night is coming to an end but all of my products will be available on my website Www.MARAJHAIR.Com. All of my products will also be sold here , at my shop. Once again, thank you all and goodnight".

After the speech, people began to leave. I couldn't be anymore excited about the turn out. The pop-up shop sold out, and every refreshment was gone. While I was talking to my mother, Aubrey walked over to me smiling. "Hello Ms.Maraj". She smiled and politely greeted him, before walking away. "I'm proud of you baby girl, you made this shit happen".

"Yeah I did, thank you". The photographer walked over, asking to take a picture. We smiled quickly for the camera, then resumed our conversation. "I heard your speech". I nodded my head, "Save the bullshit, you came at the last minute".

He placed his hand on shoulder, massaging it. "I know, we got a little bit behind schedule". I shook my head, "You could've at least called and let me know. Everyone else was here waiting for me, and you came late. The most important person of the night was you, and you let me down. I couldn't even say thank you in front of everyone because you came at the last minute. That shit isn't fair Aubrey, and you know it isn't. If it was you, I would've been there". I felt tears running down my cheek, which made me upset because I was crying over him.

He placed his thumb on my face, wiping my tears away. "How can I make it up? I'll do what ever you want". I shook my head, "I don't want anymore gifts and I'll pay you back for investing in the company. I just wanted your time, at least when it's an event that I worked my ass off for. I don't think you see this shit the way I do. You don't see how much I've opened up for you, and how vulnerable I've become".

I shook my head, "You think I don't know, but I see it Aubrey. When you're out of town, the tabloids catch you at clubs with the women. I say nothing because you're going to run your stupid game, but this relationship is changing me and it's just beginning. You don't really love me, you just say that shit to get to me".

Before he could respond, I headed towards the door. I didn't even care about the shop getting cleaned up, I'm sure Jelani would handle everything. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to everyone. I was running to my car in a brand new pair of Christian Louboutin heels, and before I knew it I was doing 80mph up the highway.

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