Walking down the aisle

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Few hours later

As I was the last one out of the limo with my mother and my daughter in her arms, with my sister as we smiled and hugged each other and teared up a bit but we then wiped our tears away.

We then walked up the church's stairs as I'm hearing the song "A thousand years" due to the doors being opened.

Finally, entered and carefully walked in as I'm smiling and seeing family and friends.

I then faced Justin and he had on a dark black suit with a white botten shirt and a white tie under his black coat and also had on black church shoes and yes his hair was done neatly like always.

Almost getting near Justin as I started to tear up.

I made it to Justin and the song had stopped and my mom kisses my cheek and gives my hand to Justin as she lastly walks towards  her seat and leaves me with Justin as were holding eachothers hand and smiling.

Justin pov.

As Samantha's mother had gaved her daughter's hand to me all I can honestly say it that I'm very blessed to find a beautiful and wonderful young lady like her and I'm thankful to be apart of her family and now that the wedding well start I'll cherish every moment of our lives.

The wedding.....

Preacher: "Were all here to gather together to celebrate the ceremony of the marrige between Justin Drew Bieber and Samantha Jen Jackson and we shall do a prayer for the two "

A minute of prayers

Preacher:"Amen, okay Shaw we start the wedding,okay we may continue and you may say your vaws okay Justin you may start,rings please"

*Jaxon hands the rings from the little white pillow*

Justin: "Okay, I Justin Drew Bieber, take this ring to love you with all my heart and care for you, for sickness and in health and we would always stay together  and before I can put the ring on,  I'll just want to say I loved you since the first day we've met and how much you made me happy and blessed and we'll be together til death do us apart" *Justin places ring on her finger*

Samantha: "I, Samantha Jen Jackson take this ring to love and care for you for sickness and in health as we live our life together as one and before I can even put this ring on you, I'll just love to say that you made me truly happy and blessed to have you in my life and I thank God for having us  forever together til death do us apart" *Samantha places ring on his finger*

Preacher: "Okay, do you Justin Drew  Bieber take Samantha Jen Jackson to be your wife?

Justin:*smiles* "I do"

Preacher: "Do you, Samantha Jen Jackson take Justin Drew Bieber to be your husband?"

Samantha: *smiles and tears up* "I do"

Preacher: "Is there any objections towards this wonderful cermony of Samantha's and Justin's love for one another?or not forever please hold your peace........."

Waits for any objections

Okay, very well no objections we now can continue and in the power vested in me by this cenormoney.

I now prenouse you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride.

*Justin and Samantha kisses*

Everyone is clapping...

The wedding came into an end and all of us had left the church once we made it out with our hands intertwined and shared another sweet kiss as for our family or friends were cheering over the kiss and began taking pictures of us or with them.

Hours later...

Suddenly  • Bieber •Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant