Baby Sitting

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While holding Crystal, I walked towards the kitchen soon as I made it to the kitchen.

I was surprised to see a nice modern kitchen and it was all clear white and even the floor was so clear that I was able to see my reflection.

What I did was walked back out to the living room and took off my flats and sat the pair, near the stairs then walked back to the kitchen and made it to the counter and once I made it there I see a to do list that she told me about so I begin to read it.

The To Do List

1.Do the dishes

2.Feed crystal (with brest milk in the bottle that is near the list), change her if needed with crystal

4.put her to sleep

5.clean her room

That was a short list so what I did was I walked back to the living room next I sat her into her play pin that was in the living room then  walked back to the kitchen and made my way towards the kitchen.

Walked towards the sink and turned the faucet on from the sink and started to do the dishes.

All of a sudden, I heard a beep on my phone as I turned the faucet off then I dried my hands with a rag then turned my iphone six on and the text was from Selena.

The text from Sel says "hey shay you made it?" and I reply by saying "yes I did ;)".

I turn my phone back off then got back cleaning the dishes.

When that was done with, I got a pen from my purse and wrote a check near the chore, I put the pen back into my purse.

I walked back into the living room where Crystal is as I picked her up from the play pin and walked back to the kitchen while holding her.

I was supposed to feed her milk since she's a baby she needs to be breast fed how can I feed her.

I then remember to check the list and it said to "feed her with the bottle that has breast milk in it"(in refrigerator).

I got the bottle from the refrigerator and fed the bottle to her.

She looks so beautiful and adorable and just hope when she grows, she'll get to know me more better and maybe look at me as friend or sister.

Hours later...

As I have Crystal in my arms and was done feeding her the milk,she had then fallen asleep.

I walked up to the stairs carefully while she's sleeping in my arms, I then made it up and started  looking for her room as I saw a butterfly with her name on it.

I opened the door with my other hand and walked in and made it to her crib.

I put here down into it, tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

I started to clean her room while thinking why Justin dosen't remember me then I felt like he had forgotten about me already.

Now that I am done cleaning her room.

I got the baby speaker then tiped toed out of her room, closed the door gentlely.

I walk towards down the stairs.

When I made it down the stairs, I had decided to read a book so I made my way to the guest living room and made my way towards the book shelf and picked a book witch was "Twilight" as
I walked  over to the couch and sat the baby speaker on a stand that was near the couch.

Few minutes Or reading....

I heard my phone beep again so I looked at my phone and it was a text from Selena.

It said "hey, go to the love birds bedroom and look for Sam's letter from your cousin Dylan's okay and throw a frame that has a pic of them then stap the mirror".

When I first saw the text from Selena my reaction  was very sorry and bad for doing this but I had to.

I got up from the couch and got the baby specker and walked to the stairs.

As I walked up the stairs and I made it up, I tried to find their bedroom.

I walked passed a room that had two doors together so that must be their room.

I slowly opened one of the doors and it looked so big walls that are clear white and medium windows covered with pure white cartains, a bed that was for for a couple with pure white bed sheets and white covers and black and white pillows and infront of the bed  with was a huge flat screen tv.

I walked in I feel a very smooth carpet that is also white.

I walked towards the bed and sat down on it and started thinking about the letter and where it was informing to my cousin's letter.

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