Getting to know my little one

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The next day...

Samantha pov

As I'm in bed sleeping, I'm feeling better little by little.

As I was awoken by my alarm clock on my phone.

I got up and rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms.

Notice that I did not have my daughter in my arms as I slightly panic but then found her in the little bed sleeping right beside me.

She seemed so cute.

I never knew how much a blessing, she would be and I never thought of being a teenage mother.

I then heard knocking and I said "who is it?" someone replied "it's me, your mom".

I then told her to come in as she did came into the room with my sister.

The two then walked towards me and hugged me and my mother said "sweetie are you alright?".

I nodded my head "yes" with a smiled on my face.

She smiled back as she had spotted her granddaughter sleeping.

She said "awww hun, she looks just like you when you were just a little cupcake".

"yes mom I know, don't need to rub it in so much" said I.

She then picked her up and held her carefully in her arms and said "hey sweetie it's me grandma your so cute sweetie *kisses her head*".

My mother lays her back on her crib slowly and carefully and asked me for her name and I told her that her name is Crystal and she smile at me.

Nancy walks towards me then she climbs herself onto the bed as she hugs me, I then asked her if she wanted to meet her neice and she said "I do want to meet her!".

I then told her okay but to also to be calm and quiet because she is sleeping.

I slowly I got up from the bed and was taking my time to walk towards her bed once I got to it.

I slowly picked my daughter up in my arms again then slowly sat down on the couch that was infront of the bed.

Nancy then came on to the couch and sat next to me, I slowly gaved her to my sister as I supported her by holding her head while she was holding her cute little body in her arms.

Nancy told me she was cute and pretty she then smiled and kissed her forehead while our mother took a picture of us with her and my phone.

My mother then told me that her and my sister has to go to a school meeting and that my best friend is coming in a hour or so as I told her okay.

They gaved me a "IT'S A GIRL!" ballon and roses in a pink vase then we've talked for a few hours then we hug and kissed goodbye.

They had left the room....

Few hours passing by....

I was still setting on the couch facing the bed while I was breastfeeding my daughter.

A nurse walks in and said "hey Ms.Jackson you have a visitor".

I replied by saying "please let them in" as the nurse lets the vistor in.

I've noticed hands over my eyes and the person said "guess who?" .

I said "is it Justin?" .

The person then said "no guess again".

then I said "umm ugh Cassandra????".

"ding,ding! correct!".

She then uncover my eyes then comes around the couch and sets down by me and said "awww she's too adorable, this is a beautiful moment of seeing a mother brestfeeding her baby".

She had then laid her head onto my shoulder then took a selfie.

Cassandra sets a teddy bear right beside me in the bed with a ballon that says "CONGRATS!!!" right by it as well.

When she was done setting my gifts, she came back over to the couch as I slowly handed her Crystal.

"Awwww she's soo cute, I knew that you and Justin would make an adorable baby girl and what's her middle and last name?".

"Her middle name is Jen and her last name is Bieber" I said and added on "she has a little bit of both".

She continue saying "aww that's beautiful to know", she then hands her slowly and careful back to me.

I asked her if she would love to be my daughter's god mother and as I said that she was happy that she couldn't hold the excitement.

We started to talk about our future life.

Once her time was up, she gets up from the couch then hugs me by my back but first kisses her god daughter on the forehead and lastly, kissed me by my check then we both said "bye" to each other then she left.

Hours later.....

While in bed with Crystal, I was watching tv and heard knocking on the wall but the room's door was open but no one wasn't there so I said "come in".

The person came in and it was Justin and he said "hey baby sorry for coming late I had a meeting *kisses her lips* and there is our beautiful little one".

I as I gaved her to him and said "time to meet daddy".

He held her carefully in his arms and I told him that our first newborn daughter's name is Crystal Jen Bieber".

Justin had said "Hi Crystal, princess it's me dada you are so beautiful just like your mother *tears up from pure joyness* and I'll always protect and love you so much with mommy and remember, you were not born as a mistake, you were made to be here for a reason and that reason is to be here with us your family, mostly mommy and I".

Justin then rocks her to sleep witch was the adorable thing to ever witness.

Justin tearing up to see Crystal for the very first time.

He then sets her on the crib carefully and kisses her head and I asked him if he was gonna go hang with friends.

He said "no I rather spend time with the love of my life and with my baby girl".

We both smiled at eachother.

We then started to take photos and videos lastly he lays, he decided to sleep with me and the good thing is he was careful about the IV and yes, the bed had space but a little.

Months later....

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