The letter / Their back

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I'm still on their bed, the bed is so fluffy.

I see picture frames hung up on the wall with Justin's and Samantha's and their daughter Crystal pictures in them.

I also noticed another bookshelf and a walk-in closet.

I had to keep my hands to myself from the bed as I got up quickly and walked towards the night stand that had a light pink make up towel on it with her glasses on top of the towel.

I spotted a framed photo of her and Justin with their daughter.

She is very lucky but I wanted Justin and what I wanted from Justin was a child and a husband but our relashionship didn't work out because he had left.

It was too little too late beacuse we had already broken up.

I really didn't want to ruin their relationship but I still love him and haven't moved on which made me feel even worse inside.

I left the frame up from the night stand and said "what a cute pic but I have to throw it away".

I looked at it for a few seconds, I then threw the frame onto the floor hearing the shattering of the frame.

I opened the top draw and spotted a jewelry box that was clear siver and was lock.

I picked on the lock with my hair pin and it opened, when it opened.

I've seen random things from her past including a memorie card from a funeral witch was her father's and while going through her personal things.

I had noticed a note that had no name as I took it out and saw it and it was the letter that selena was searching for.

I put it into my pocket and closed the box and put it back where it was before.

Just in time, I had heard crying from the speacker.

I said "oh no sweetie hun don't worry I'm coming your, baby sitter is coming relax" I ran out of their bedroom and closed the door and ran into her bedroom.

I see her crying as I walk towards the crib and said "shhhhhhhhhhhh, relax I'm here" and picked her up slowly from the crib.

She was a little heavy and so she needed a diaper change.

While I had her in my arms, I walked over to the changing table and laid her onto the table and started to change her.

When I was done changing her diaper.

I picked her up again and took her with me down stairs.

Once we made it down the stairs I walked back to the guest living room with her and sat on the couch, while carrying her.

I started to play with her as a cute smile had appear on her face for the first time as that little smile of hers, had leaded me to smile as well.

I put her back into her play pin again but in a calmful and careful way.

Few minutes later .....

I had left the guess living room.

Really did not want to do this beacuse this is they'll have bad luck.

I then used a pocket knife that I got from my purse to stab the mirror hard as I could as I done that, it had showed cracks on the mirror but I didn't seem to mind.

At the sametime it was hurting as my face was then filled with sorrow and regret and at the same time with hate.

Hours later.......

I heard walking and talking.

I then woke up and found myself on the couch and got up quickly.

I walked towards the lobby and saw Justin and Samantha.

They were back from the gym and Sam said "how was Crystal acting towards you".

I replied by saying "she acted like a perfect angle,  no trouble at all" with a smile on my face.

I handed Crystal back to her mother, sam and she said "awww, she is sleeping how cute".

Justin looks at me with a smile on his face and smiled back at Samantha.

Justin had paid me by cash, as he did that, I then said "thank you".

I walked back to the kitchen to get my purse that was on the kitchen counter then walked towards the lobby again with my purse and got my flats from the bottom step of the stairs.

I put my pair of flats back on then said "goodbye" to them and opened the door and left.

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