The next day Telling mom, Justin

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It's now morning...

I was planning to tell my mother and Justin that I'm expecting his baby, hope everything goes well.

When that argument between me and Dylan had came to an end, we had broken up.

My ex boyfriend left after him lying about him and Selena.

I did a lot of thinking, last night while sleeping. I decided to tell my mom and Justin, wonder how would they react....

I'm sitting on my bed, thinking on how I'm suppose to tell them, that I'm pregnant.

While thinking and being slightly anxious, I had ran into my bathroom that was built-in with my bedroom and suddenly vomit into the toilet.

I wiped my mouth with an bath rag and throw it into the trash and had clean my teeth and hand and it was surely a good thing, that my hair didn't get cought in the mess as it was in a neat pony tail.

It was now afternoon...

I heard the front door had opened.

I got up from bed and looked over at my window and noticed that my mom's car parked in front of the garage.

I got the test with me as I put it into a little make up bag then made my way down the stairs as I greated my mom by saying "hi mom how's work???" with a curious look on my face.

She said "oh it was good and your finally up, how are you feeling?", I responded back by saying "I'm feeling kinda okay".

I suddenly pulled my mom's arm and walked her towards the kitchen to tell her the news.

At the kitchen....

I siad "ummm mom remember when I told you about the party that I went to".

She said "yes, I remember".

I then said "during the party, I had a bit of to much to drink and so I....I was missing around with a guy, who is my dance teacher from the school".

She said "WHAT!!!! PLEASE DON'T TELL ME", as she had face palm.

I opened my make up bag and handed her the pregnancy test.

Amy (mom) pov

When she handed me the pregnancy test that had siad "postive".

I couldn't believe my own eyes to know
that, my first-born daughter is pregnant with her teacher's child.

Going to be a grandmother this early, her sister Nancy is going to be a aunt at eight years of age.

How would her senior year will affect her and can't kick her out of the house. 

My daughter is pregnant so that means, I have to do support her and the baby as a respectful mother and grandmother, I rised my kids right even though this world isn't perfect.

I know she's gonna be a good mother by taking pranenting classes and getting motherly tips from me.

I looked at her, eye to eye and siad "sweetie I'm happy for you okay and I'll support you no matter what, alright".

When she told me that, I was very greatful and thankful for having her as my mother.

She understands my feelings and I told my mom while tearing up that I've loved her just as much.

My mother smiled brightly and responded back by saying "I love you too, sweetie" and we hugged again this time a longer one.

That went well then I thought it would so we're happy about the baby news so I decided to keep the baby.

Now, I have to tell justin about me being pregnant.

I dialed his number and his phone was ringing then someone picked the phone.

Phone Conversation....

Justin:Ummm who is this?

Me: Justin, it's me Samantha I have something really important to tell you

Justin: Um okay what is it???

Me: I'm.......

Justin: Your what????..... sick?

Me: No, justin I'm not sick.....

Justin: Then, what is it???

Me: I'm......pregnant with your child, Justin

Justin: Really????

Me: Remember the party, we had sex that same night with no pertection

Justin: Oh yeah......... I kinda remember....wait what!?!?! and dose your mother know

Me: Yes, she knows and I told her

Justin: Okay, how did she take the news?

Me: She took it well then I expected and she is supporting me through this even though she's kinda mad and are you going to support me

Justin: Oh of course I will, thank goodness that she's going to support us okay and thanks for telling me this news okay and I'm very blessed and happy to find this out that I'm going to be a father and that your going to be the mother of our mini us, as much as I would want to talk to you, I have to tell you that I'm busy at this moment okay and no, I'm not with any girls...just letting you know please trust and believe me and I have to go now, okay, see you hun goodbye

Me: Okay, I believe and trust you and love you and bye Justin

Justin: I love you to.... Bye sammy

Me: Love you more, bye (Hangs up)

Phone conversation is over

I am so glad that everything had went well.

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