Last Kiss

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As Dylan and I were talking about the times, we had together as an couple.

While talking to him, all of my feelings for him wanted to show infront of him but couldn't let my feelings show.

I felt like going back towards Dylan but couldn't.

As for Justin, still mad at his little scandalous game that he had pulled on me.

Dylan then asked me for a kiss.

"What? I can't kiss you!" I said in a surprised tone.

"yes we could kiss, it'll be the last kiss and I'll be out of your life for sure okay".

I leaned in closer towards him and kissed him, a tear then came streaming down my cheek.

When we were done with the last kiss he looks at me with a smile on his face as he soon realized the tears streaming down my cheeks.

He had then siad "why are you tearing up, sam?" as he had wiped the tears away with his thumb as he had stroke my cheek.

I told him that it was nothing as I then moved his hand away from my cheek as I just smiled at him.

I then said "it's just that I'm still in love with Justin and when I kiss you, I imagine myself kissing Justin and that just hurts me badly".

"Do you want to see him on Thursday in Selena's baby shower so that way, he knows that your okay???" he siad.

I said "um, no thanks and Justin knows that I'm okay" .

Dylan asked "how?".

"By visiting me" I said.

He said to me "oh okay then I'll see you later".

He had then gaved me a hug goodbye with a kiss on my forehead as he had left my bedroom.

Now time for my road to recovery.....

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