Cheated on

176 7 1

Samantha pov

The alarm on my phone had awaken me.

I got up from bed, I called Dylan to check on him.

Guess what no answer probably he's busy or what if he found out????...nah I don't think so anyways.

I did my morning routine.

I made my bed and left my bedroom and made my way towards the kitchen to eat breakfast.

When I was done eating, I decided to take my sister to the park today.

I asked my mother if I can take her to the park by myself.

She said "sure and be home around three, okay".

I siad "okay, mom" as my sister had siad "yay park,park,park!!!!".

Minutes later....

While were walking our way towards the park and as soon as we made it into the park.

My sister had ran towards the swings and got on it and said "hey Samantha! push me on the swings".

I smiled at her and walked my way towards the swing set and  got to the swing that she was on.

"hey sissy are your ready?" I said with an smile on my face.

She said "I'm so ready!".

I began pushing and talking to my sister on the swing while laughing about how much she hated math.

Something had caught my eye and that was a boy that looks exactly alike my boyfriend, Dylan kissing a girl that looked like  Selena Gomez, Justin's girlfriend.

I took a picture of them from my phone and I zoomed in and as soon as I see who I really thought it was, it had struck my heart.

I started to tear up and  had to get home early with my sister, she then stopped herself on the swing and says "sissy what's worng and why are we leaving the park too early?".

I tricked her and  siad "I checked on my phone and it's gonna rain today in the afternoon".

Fifteen minutes later..../ home early

Once we made it back home, I told my sister to go up towards her bedroom to play with her toys.

She responded back by saying "okay sis".

My mom looked at me and said "what happened hon?".

I ran to her and hugged her and started to cry on her shoulder.

My mom had siad "let's go to your room."

In my bedroom....

I told my mother what had happened today at the park and she comfort me while I was crying.

I cried myself to sleep.

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