Finally home

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As we walked back into our house, the inside was really dark.

I told Justin to turn each lamp on in each room and he said "okay" as he did.

I made my way to our room as I sighed then fell back into the bed.

Siad to myself "it's feels so good to be back home" I got up from the bed and I turned both lamps on each night stand then sat the luggage onto our bed.

I unziped it then got all my clothing out and placed it back into our walk in  closet neatly.

Once I was done doing that, I had made my way back towards our bed and zipped my luggage up and I placed it onto the top shelf in the closet.

I desiced to go to bed as I took my boots off then  laid down in bed next I tucked myself into bed lastly, I slowly fell asleep.

Justin pov

As I turned the lamp on in the living room.

I desiced to let Samantha have privitcy

I turned the television on and watched tv while laying on the couch then I started to feel sleepy as I fallen asleep.

The next morning...

Samantha pov

I woke up from the sound of my alarm that is on my phone and found myself in bed as I looked under my blanket and saw that I was still in the same outfit that I was wearing yesterday. 

I strech and got out of bed.

I'm making my way towards the bathroom, once I got there I turned the water on in the sank as I started to brush my teeth then hair and washed my face.

I was thinking about visting the Cemetery today to pay my respect to my father.

I decided to call my mother to tell her to make a vist to the cemetery with me before the ThanksGiving feast starts.

The phone conversion....

Me: Hi mom

Mom: Oh hey sweetie how was the honey moon? and happy ThanksGiving to you

Me: It was nice and likewise  mommy and I was thinking if you wanted to pay a vist to the cemetery and how is my little sweetie pie doing tell her that I said mommy loves her

Mom:Ok hun and okay I well and your sister is playing in the living room while Crystal is sleeping on the coch with the baby cushion that is ment for coaches and I'm here in the kitchen about to cook for the family and I was thinking about that as well

Me: Okay and so wanna vist daddy?, mom

Mom: Okay, I'll text you when I make it to your place ok and tell my son in law I said hi, okay sam

Me: Okay, mom see you when you get here and I well

Mom: Okay, bye hun

Me:Bye mom

Hangs up

Phone conversation is over

When I got off the phone with my mother.

I had put my hiar in a neat bun then I got my purse from my night stand and put the things that I needed inside of it.

I walked out of are bedroom and closed the door behide me.

Out of no where, I see Justin's laggage in the hall way so I called out his name and no answer.

I walked down the stairs and went towards the kitchen and took a quick breakfast witch was a red apple.

I began to eat it then spotted a note on the counter and it seems that the note was from Justin so I read it.

The note.....

Dear Samantha,

I just wanted to remind you that I lift the house to go to a early meeting and happy thanksgiving, I'll see you home when I get there.

With much love your newly wed husband Justin

The end of the note

Awwww he's so cute.

Nine minutes later......

I was in the living room sitting on the couch wiating for my mom's message.

Finally I got a text from her and it said "hey I'm outside".

I got up from the couch and got my purse then speeded my way to the front door and opened the door and stepped out of the house and waved at my mother then closed the door behide me.

I made my way over to her car and she opens the front passanger side of her car.

In the car ...

I kissed her on the cheek then siad "hi mom I miss you".

I heard Nancy and she siad "sis! miss ya".

I told her  that I miss her to and awww your nease is sleeping in your old carseat how cute is my Crystal.

I blew a kiss to her then buckled up in my seat and I told mom that I'm ready to go, she siad "okay, lets go vist our faviorite guy" as she had sighed at the sametime saying those words.

She started the car and drove to the Cemetery.

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