Thinking I'm Pregnant

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Dance class was now over for the day.

I had headed back towards the locker room to get my sport bag from the locker.

Out of nowhere, I felt someone's strong arms wrapped around my wase.

I turned around and to see it was Justin and said "why did you throw up right in the middle of class???".

I then said "well I felt something inside of me that wanted to go up so I threw up".

Justin had siad "okay, but are you feeling better at this very moment" with worry  filled in his eyes.

I looked  into his eyes with direct contact and said that I'm okay and he said "okay but are you postive?".

I responded back by saying that I am one hundred postive better.

He said "okay then, do you need a lift home?" with a smile on his face.

I replied with "no thanks I'll walk home but thanks for asking".

He he then told me to call him after I get back home from the walk as I smiled.
Lastly, he had kissed my forehead and hugged me and I said to him "okay I will".

I to walk my way out of the school and started the walk home.

Hours later....

I'm half way through the walk home and yes, I had took the bus.

As I had that exact sick feeling of throwing up again.

I had covered my mouth and ran towards a near by trash can and started to vomit. 

When that sudden disgusting thing was over with, I had then wipe my mouth with a napkin that was in my bag.

I was thinking if I were to be pregnant and siad to myself "nah just imaging things or am I????".

I  had continued walking home with the thoughts of me being pregnant.

Now, that I'm almost home, I ran towards my house and opened the door with my key then I walked into the house, I noticed my little sister watching Nickelodeon in the living room.

I siad "sis where's mom?".

She told me that she was in the kitchen and said  "sissy, she's mad at you".

I walked over to the kitchen and  siad "ummm hi mom I'm back from dance school".

My mom had a mad look on her face.

She said "where in the world, have you been!?!?! I was worry sick about you, thinking that you've been hurt or worse and was constantly calling you all day and I thought the party was over and were you drinking?".

I had to tell her the truth as I said to her "yes, I was drinking a little bit to much and  got drunk and I decided to stay overnight at a friend's house from school".

She said "sweetie, why were you drinking you know that I don't let people drink in this house hold and if your father were  still here, he'll feel the same as me" and added on "I'm just glad that your home, safe and that's what matters most".

I siad "I know, I just wanted to prove that I'm not afraid of drinking beer".

She responded back by with "how much did you drink and were you pressure into this?".

I was trying to remember the amount I've drank...I finally remembered and said "I dranked about nine cans of beer and no one had peer pressure me during the event".

Mom didn't look happy at all, she said "sweetheart, next time please don't drink okay and I understand that you were just experiencing but just try not to get use to these type of things, alright it's horrible".

I told her "okat, I won't" and promised her that I was never going to do it again.

I had then hugged her because she understands that I wanted to try new things.

Now I have to see if I'm pregnant or not.

Days later.....

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