Fighting for my life

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Days are passing by and still in the hospital in a deep sleep as I'm still thinking about how life would be with or without me.

As I'm relaxed, I felt like as if I was flouting in the air while I'm having the thought of being in heaven already but not there just yet or am I....I really don't know but still sleeping.

Seeing my guardian angel, daddy........

Unexpectedly, the brightness of the light has came across my distance and noticed that someone was coming near me and it was no other than a man with a black suite on with a sweet smile on his face and siad "sweetie samantha, its me daddy I miss you so much" he said as he hugged me tightly.

Not trying to let eachother go, we both started to tear up.

He asked me that if I wanted to stay with him or be with my mom but didn't care about what I was gonna say because he knew I'll be happy either way and I told him that I want to be with mommy.

He said "okay, sam I love you with all my heart and I'm still looking out after for you and mama and your sister and the others in the family okay and I'll see you here when the time is right okay beautiful, sweet dreams".

He lastly kisses my cheek as he smiled and walked back to the bright light that's when everything turned dark in my dream.

Feeling a little strong....

Feeling the air filling up my lungs, I decided to take a little breath as I did.

I surprisingly coughed without any warning.

I heard a lady's voice saying "she coughed!! docter she could be out of coma!!" in a surprised tone,the docter siad "she's doing okay but how???".

Suddenly, I heard them said that I was in coma and that my own blood had made me fait, now I know why I couldn't handel so much blood.

I was still in deep shock to see my father in my dreams.

Spiritually, I thanked him for waking me up from this unbearable coma.

I really miss him and it's a miracle.

I then start to feel myself breathe again, little by little.

I tried to open my eyes a little but couldn't.

Yet, I'm still fighting for my life as I could breath but not see or talk at the moment.

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