Selena's Delivery

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Hours later...

Were now at the hospital...

Selena is rushed to the delivery room and as for Cassandra and Dylan,Justin, Crystal and myself are in the waiting room.

While were talking, I told Dylan that why he didn't tell me that he was the father of Selena's baby.

He tells me that he was scared of telling me and I said "why?".

He then said "I was scared to tell you, beacuse I didn't know how you were going to react to the news" and I told him that were now history.

I'll still remember abd cherish the times we had together as a couple.

"Now it's time for you to be a man and a father that you need to be okay and you should be happy that you have someone new okay" and he says "okay" back.

We then share a friendly hug.

Since we talked it over, I was working out things with Justin and Crystal being with us.

While Cassandra and Dylan talks about their future meaning colleges and carrers.

Few hours later.....

A doctor walked towards us and said "who is Selena's significant other?"

Dylan suddenly siad "I am" as he gets up from the chair and follows the doctor to her room.

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