Next day/Getting ready

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The Next Morning....

I heard my alarm clock on my phone then I did my morning routine and got ready with my sport bag and what I had put in my bag was my sweatpants and blue tank top with my red converse and my emergency lady kit and now that I'm all ready for my first dance class.

I'm wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans with my pink converse and I put my hiar in a pony tail.

I ran down the stairs and I saw my Mom and my sister waiting for me and my mom siad "Sam are you ready???" and I siad "yes I'm ready". We went to the garage and my sister and I went inside the car while my mom opens up the garage door so the car can pass, as it opened my mom hoped into the car and started the car and left the house.

Hours passing....

As we made it to the dance school  I got out of the car with my sport bag and I siad "bye guys love ya, sis be good", my sister Nancy siad "ok I will sam" and my mom siad "Goodluck sweetie", I siad " thanks mom I need it".

I walked into the school and wow it's huge I never thought of this school being big, I walked into the school and walk towards the to the secretary desk which was the first thing I've seen when I walked into the school and once I got there I saw this girl on the computer typing.

I siad "ummm exuse me are you Selena???" and she showed me a smile and siad "of course I am and hello are you here to attend the school", I responded back to her by saying "yes I am and it's Samantha" and she said "oh hey there um please sign this application" she said as she handed me the clip board with the application.

I did then smiled at her and continued to signed it,I then handed her the clipboard with the paper and she then gaved me my locker combination to my locker and a map of the school.

She then reminded me that it was going to be a 101 dance lesson and I siad "ok then" as I left the desk then I made my way to the girls locker room from following the school's map and once I made it there,I walked into to the girl's locker room started to get dress.

Suddenly  • Bieber •Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon