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As I supposedly cought his eye, I'm still thinking of how handsome he is.

The attractive young man had then walked towards me, I stood there nervously but showed a smile on my face.

He said "Welcome to my new dance school named The future dance Academy that I opened not so long ago and that i also own and my name is Mr.Bieber, what is your name?" he asked.

I greated him by saying "it's a pleasure of meeting you, my name is Samantha Jackson and I'm eighteen and wiat a sec did you say the word Bieber???".

He responded back by saying "yes my name is Justin Bieber are you surprised to hear that name?"

I siad "um well yeah" and he responded back by saying "well I know it's a shocker to see a clebrity like me being a teacher anyhow let's stop talking and start practice alright".

I  siad "okay then".

Justin pov

The sound of music was filling the space of the room, we started to make up a dance routine and let me just say that she is a great dancer.

In my mind I siad "she is so damn attractive and pure, what am I saying focus dude!, she's your student! I can't stop thinking about her this way plus your taken and she to maybe taken".

Hours later......

Class is over so I desided to take her to Starbucks and asked her if she wanted to go and she said "sure why not", I responded back by saying "okay Samantha".

Samantha pov

Holy Fuck!!! I can't believe that Mr.Bieber my favorite singer of all times witch is Justin,is my teacher and seems so kind and his cute hazel eyes are so dreamy and I just want to kiss him and tell him that I love him but sadly in my little belieber dreams.

Now that it's time to get ready to leave to go to Starbucks.

I ran towards the girls locker room as I heard a girl's voice and it sounded like Selena's as I just stayed in the locker room until she heads out.

I over heard what they were saying while changing and yes the door was close but they were kinda near the door because he was waiting for me and it sounded like they were girlfriend and boyfriend.

Guess we're just friends, I almost forgot I don't need to worry because I have my boyfriend, I really could care less.

I changed into my clothes that I was wearing this morning and I got my sport bag and walked towards the lobby with Mr.Bieber.

He said "are you ready to go?" and I siad "yeah I'm ready let's go", he responded back by saying "okay let's hit the road".

We walked out of the school and he closed the school and we went to the parking lot.

I saw his sweet ride, a Lamborghini and let me just say it's perfect then we walked towards his car and so he opened the passenger side of the car for me and he said "ladies first".

I siad "oh thanks Mr.Bieber your such a gentlemen".

We're in his Lamborghini and he told me to buckle up so I did and he said "umm Samantha you can call me Justin outside but in school you call me Mr.Bieber okay".

I siad "okay, I've known that Justin".

He started his car and we drove to Starbucks.

At Starbucks....

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