Checking up

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As I walked up the stairs and saw my daughter's room's door was closed,I knocked on the door and I siad "hello sweetheart, Samantha are you alright???".

Samantha pov

While making out with my boyfriend,I suddenly heard knocking on the door and I siad "Who is it?".

The person who was knocking on the door was my mother and she said "Sweetie are you alright???".

I responded back by saying "yes, mom I'm alright just in my bedroom with my boyfriend Dylan".

My mom siad "okay,keep door open now, no butts! and please you know better about doing anything that you shouldn't do and hi Dylan".

I rowed my eyes and I got up as Dylan said "moms are such buzzkills" and I low-key agreed with him and did open the door and he responded back by saying  "hi Ms.Jackson".

We then got back to making out on my bed, luckily my little sister stayed downstairs.

Suddenly his phone had interrupted us and he had to answer the call after he had hanged up.

He gets up from my bed and got his coat and siad "babe I gotta go my parents needs me" as I replied with "okay hun love you".

He responded back by saying "Love you too baby" as we shared a passionate kiss.

He had then ran down the stairs and lastly, I had heard the door slam.

I laid down onto  my bed and started to get read my new Hunger Games Book.

Suddenly, my phone was ringing and it was Cassandra.

Phone Conversation

Cassandra: Hey bestie

Me:Hey why didn't you tell me that you worked in starbucks

Cassandra:Well I forgot to mention about my new job anyway this is isn't about me it's about you with Justin

Me:What do you mean?

Cassandra: What do I mean by that well today you and the biebs were in starbucks right?

Me: yeah what about it

Cassandra: Will turn on your tv on ASAP!!!!, put TMZ!!!

Me: ok,ok,ok jezz let me turn my tv on (turns on tv) and *changes channel to Tmz*

Cassandra: I know right you are on Tmz with Justin outside of Starbucks will got to go see the rest with your own two eyes bye girl see ya later.

(Hangs up)

How am I going to contact Justin to tell him that were on TMZ and how am I able to hide this from Dylan.

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