Future wedding dress, Damage wedding Dress

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During that night.....At the Boutique....

While driving to the place we finally arrived and surprisedlying it wasn't far from Justin.

My mother then parks the car in front of the boutique as we got out of the car.

The three of us then entered the beautiful place and looked at all of the wonderful occasional dresses in this place.

While looking, a lady named Tina from the looks of her name tag on her blouse then spoke to us and said "are you interested in any dresses???".

We had told her that we were interested in wedding dresses for the future and she smiled at the three of us as we followed her towards the wedding dresses area as I was shocked to see a lot of them.

Tina then told me that I could try on the dresses as she offer me a dress to wear.

I said "thank you" to her as I walk into a fitting room to put  on the dress, after putting on the beautiful puffy white gown.

I  walked over to my mother and sister and they seem to like it but I didn't so I decided to change into another one.

After nine dress fittings.....

I finally found a long pure white thin layer dress with thin sleeves as I tried it on I looked perfect it in as I teared up a little bit but then wiped my tears up as I walked out of the closet with a smile.

Both,my mother and sister liked it more and because the fashion of the dress was more like me.

My mom cried a little just by the thoughts of me wearing this on the right day as I hugged her and wiped her tears.

Lastly, we had bought the dress but first I needed to change to my normal everyday outfit and as I did my mom and I paid for the dress.

We told the to lady keep the dress until it was the right time to have it with me and we thanked her.

After leaving the area my mother and sister and myself spotted paparazzi.

We quickly ran to the car and while we finally made it into the car we locked it and buckled up and quickly drove away before they could even see us.

Few hours later....

While driving we finally got to my second and future home.

My mom and sister and I said our  goodbyes with hugs and kisses goodnight.

I then got out of my mother's car but first waved goodbye once again then got back to walking to my other home.

I finally made it into the house as Justin surprisedly opened the door for me with our little ones in his arms.

I kissed the both of them.

Selena pov

While I'm in my car drinking a cup of soda, I see the side walk half crowded by paparazzi and I was wondering what was going on.

I finally realized what was happening and it was little miss perfect who was here getting her so call wonderful white long dress.

She'll pay beacuse she stoled everything from me even what I loved the most.

I continue to drive my car while the paps were getting ready to leave.

Once they left,  I've parked infront of the Boutique.

Once I parked it, I opened my car's door then got out with my purse and lastly closed the car's door and locked it up with my car keys.

I started making my way there as I made it into the boutique.

I then walked up to the counter and told the lady that I was here to see my cousin's wedding dress.

She siad "well okay name?" and I siad "my or her name? informing, to Samantha my lovely cousin".

She siad "um no miss,your name".

"oh alright, my name is Selena" I siad with a low key sneeky look on my face.

  I followed her towards the closet that the dress was in then she went back to the counter beacuse the phone was ringing.

When she went to take the call, I went through the dreeses quickly and finally  found the sluts name.

I took the dress out from the closet then set it on the table but first I needed to check my surrounding.

When I did that, the cost was clear.

I took out a scissor from my purse and started to cut the dress and when I was all done I put the dress back into the closet.

I looked at the dress and siad "there won't be a dress in the occasion after all" while walking out of the closet.

As I lefted the closet, I made my way out of the place with the scissors in my purse and went back to my car and left the place.

Tina pov

When I was done talking to another young lady on the phone, I decided to organized the dresses by color.

I made my way towards the walk in dress closet.

When I made it there, I started to organized the dresses by color.

As I got to the long white wedding dreeses.

I spotted a dress that was all cut with holes on it as I read the name tag on it to see who dress it was and it was Samantha's.

I ran towards the counter and dialed Samantha's number to tell her what had happened to her dress.

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