Twenty Eight

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Closing her eyes,Lucy decided to try to imagine peace.Sadly,when ever Lucy tried to think of peace,she thought of Erza.How when they were kids,she saved Erza's life.

'And this is how she repays you?'The voice from the back of her head whom Lucy had gotten used to said.

' can't Blame this on her.'Lucy shot back.

'Oh but I can.If she truly loved you,wouldn't she believe you?You know that no one does.'Zeref replied before leaving.Lucy stared at her hand for a while,thinking of what Zeref had said.Other than that,she thought of how she could make it all go away.

Soft sobs could be heard from the infirmary,but no one bothered to listen to hard.Ignoring Lucy's sobs,the guild continued to be as rowdy as usual.Despite this,a group of people sat at the bar near the infirmary,depressed.

"*sigh* I'm not sure how much more of this I can take..."Levy said,blinking away some tears.

"Why can't her spirits help her or something?"Grey asked,looking at the ground.

"I don't know.Loki said something about...what was it again Happy?" "I don't know Natsu."

"Well still guys.Erza shouldn't be so hard on her...Its not like she can help it..."Mira said handing Grey his smoothie.They all frowned and pondered for a moment.

"Um...Guys?Lucy isn't crying anymore.."Levy said after 10 minutes.They all gave each other worried glaces before Natsu spoke up.

"She probably just fell asleep of something...C'mon guys.Let's go and try to take our minds off of things."

Little did the friends know, inside the infirmary,Lucy was not asleep.In fact,she wasn't in the infirmary at all.She was in her gown walking up to a mountain.The same mountain near a lake.The same lake Levy had found Lucy at just days prior.Mount Weather.

A/N:OK,someone please tell me they got that location?If you didn't its no big deal,but if you did,please comment and tell me ;) that's for 3.6k guys!I'm sorry I haven't updated lately,I just haven't gotten to it.Anyways,love you all!

(Not editing till later)

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