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And that's it. We all left and went our separate ways. After all we've been through we finally managed to settle it all woman to woman. It was a tough ride but we made it through learning something new along the way. You can't change a person. That person have to change themselves but all you can do is help that person become better than they were and that's exactly what we did to each other. She wasn't lucky at love at all until she met me and I didn't have the courage to go out there and find it but look at us now. Terry got engaged to Karlous Christmas day and they were married that Spring. Terry had two beautiful kids a girl and a boy plus her music career got back on track and her bankruptcy case was finally over with her winning 20 million dollars from LaFace. Me on the other got married to Halle 2 years later in 2002 and 2015 we're still together so kids I want you to leave with this. It doesn't matter whether you're straight or gay you are who you are and if you want people to respect you show them that you're not taking anything other than respect. Find someone who loves you for you and someone who's willing to fight for and with you. Find that special one when you're looking for love. Make reasonable standards and don't settle for anything less.

Wow Ms. Lyte that was a cool story.

Yea it really was.

I loved it!

Me too!


Thank you

I just just finished one of my meetings for young people. I love talking to teens because I want to show them something and teach them everything I know before they go out into the world. It gives me joy.

Hey MC Lyte can I talk to you?


Sure Kody


I really enjoyed the lesson a lot. I meant to thank you for last week lesson though.


Which one?


The one about coming out. It took me forever to tell my parents I was gay especially my Dad. Both of my parents are in the music business as well and I was afraid that if I told I'd ruin their image. My mom says image is everything but when I finally told them she was cool. Both of my parents and sister was okay with it and I thank you again for giving me the courage to do that.


Awwww no problem



Coming Mom!


Who's your mom?


She's right there.

I looked from Kody and saw her. It was her again. I haven't seen her in 15 years. I can't believe it. It's actually funny how she dissed me for being gay and look at her son. Oh how God works in mysterious ways.

Woman to WomanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang