Heartbreaks and Sexuations

502 30 15


How you just gone up and leave me like that?


I'm sorry


I'm tire of hearing I'm sorry that's all you been saying lately is I'm sorry. What about Toni I need you on this Support me or my favorite I gave you my heart and I just need yours in return I love you soooo much I'll never leave you. I guess obviously those words don't mean shit to you huh?


See that's the problem. I'm tired of arguing about the same damn thing Toni. I am TIRED...!!! MY LIFE doesn't revolve around you. This is MY LIFE...!!! And I thought you'll understand that but now you're acting foolish and I don't like that. I'm gonna take care of my family.


Family? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW YOUR FAMILY...!!! You just found out you had a family. You don't know shit about them. The plan was for you to go to France meet your son help them with whatever they needed for a little while then come back not stay for Freaking Ever Lamman. But had I known that by letting you go to France would mean that you wasn't coming back I don't know what I would have done.


Look this is really getting on my nerves. You are making me so mad that you're not with me on this. Sometimes I just want to give it up with you.


Give us up? Oh so you can go live it up and fuck around with some French bitches or maybe just maybe your EX...?!!!


That's not what I meant Toni I just want you to wait for me. I don't wanna lose you.


You're just like every other FUCKING NIGGA I ever had to deal with. Then you're implying that I'm selfish nahh nigga you the selfish ass one. You're making a FUCKING decision without even considering my FUCKING feelings. What kind of shit is that? Huh? How the hell am I supposed to "understand" when the man that I'm in love with says that he's leaving me to raise a motherfucking family he never even knew he had. Especially after all the bullshit I've put up with you and everything I ever done for you. Without me yo broke ass wouldn't even be in France. You wouldn't have your own business if I didn't invest in it. Your rent was paid this month because I paid for it. You had a place to live because I gave you a motherfucking bed to sleep in at night when you got evicted. I did that shit but you wanna do me wrong? It was me YOUR girlfriend. ME! THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE THIS HURT BITCH RIGHT HERE did all those things for her boyfriend but I'd be the dumb motherfucker to wait on a man that can't even get enough RESPECT to say something to me and stick to those words.


Okay and I thank you for everything you've ever done for me but I never asked for those things imma man whether I was broke or not I could have gotten it myself somehow someway but you chose to give me that money.


Because you were my boyfriend and I loved you.


You helped because you saw a brother struggling but if it's money then Look I'll pay you back.


I don't want the money. It's not about the money Lamman.


Then whatever it is I'm sorry okay

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