Bible Study

201 19 11

The last couple of weeks I've been in bed still a little sore from the procedure. I haven't been talking to anyone not even Lana, avoiding all contact, not answering the door, or none of that stuff. I've just been to myself relaxing in bed watching my life fall on live TV. Every since my bankruptcy got out that's all people have been talking about on the news. Yesterday I had an interview with Oprah and it didn't go well at all. Everyone knows that sometimes Oprah can be very candid and outspoken and she says exactly how she feel and what she knows and I respect that. I looked up to Oprah in a sense and I thought she would understand and reach out to me, but instead she made me feel stupid and bad about myself. I felt humiliated and I think that was the worse interview I've even been in.

I haven't even spoken to Keri. He's been calling me, but I've been avoiding him because I still feel guilty about the abortion. I've been beating myself up every day about it and I'm afraid to let anyone know. Today I'm going to just chill and hopefully free my mind.

I grabbed the remote and turn on the television to watch some TV then I hear a knock on the door. I hesitated to answer, but eventually I did. There was a huge truck outside and about 3 big huge muscular men bomb rushing inside my home.


Um Excuse me who are you?

We're here from the state to confiscate your belongings.


Wait what do you mean? You can't just take my stuff.

We're just doing our job ma'am. Where are your Grammys?


Wait no sir you can't take my grammys

Move back ma'am


I worked hard for those please put them back

I'm sorry but if you want these things you'll have to bid for them.

I can't believe that they are really taking away my most prized possessions and are about to auction them off. I'm pissed off because I'm broke and there's no possible way for me to buy all my stuff back. UGHHHH!





Mmm tell me you love me again


Mmmwah I love you


Do you really mean it?




Noooo let me hear you say it

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