Fuck You

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I woke up the next morning making calls. I had to buy us plane tickets to get home. While I was on the phone I saw that Toni had gotten up. She got out of bed not saying goodmorning or anything. Instead she just walked into the bathroom. After I finished I went to check on Toni.


Hey babe




You okay?


I'm fine

She brushed her teeth and just walked straight passed me.


Uhh I um ordered us some breakfast and bought our plane tickets already.



Knock Knock


I think that's them right there

I walked to the door and it was the room service I ordered. I paid the man and grabbed our tray. Then I sat it on the bed and got in with Toni.


You mind if I share this bed with you. Hungry?




You sure?


Where's the remote?

I handed her the remote and she turned the TV on. We started watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air and we were doing good.


The next day we were boarded on the plane. We sat down and held hands until we finally made it back to L.A. We were doing perfectly fine. She was still a little sad and I tried all I can to make her happy. Then one incident just made everything change.


You know I love you right




Can I have a kiss?


I'm not in a kissing mood.


I never asked you that



She picked the remote up and started surfing the channels until something caught both of our attention.

Toni Braxton Caught Kissing MC Lyte....

This past Saturday R&B sensation Toni Braxton was found "locking lips" with one of Hip Hop's female rapping pioneers MC Lyte who recently admitted to the world she was homosexual. Toni Braxton has said in many interviews that she was not homosexual. Obviously by this picture that was a lie. I'm just upset that a person as elegant as Ms. Braxton who is also considered as a "Man's Ideal Woman" would pull a stunt like this. Most men would think that this was sexy for her to portray herself in this matter, but this type of behavior is unacceptable in my sight. It is wrong and plain nasty. Many of her female fans have said recently that because of this she has lost full respect. One man said that she and her partner has brought shame to the black community. And I quote,"Us blacks often use the bible to teach others about God when we ourselves are going against him." People of the churches are furious saying things such as "I don't get how a preacher's child could do something like this." Well my fellow Christians the myth is true that preacher's kids are the worse. I guess Superstars will soon have to realize that there are people strongly against homosexuality and maybe it's best to keep this behind the closet. I just wish Toni Braxton the best of luck with her new woman....Have a nice day.

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