✔ Fifty-second Chapter

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Hahaba na kasi ng sobra 'yung the rest ng chapter na ito if hindi ko icu-cut, kaya hanggang diyan muna. There will be a next update after this, later.



Zie's POV

"W-What are you doing? You can't barge into my house! GET THE FVCK OUT!"

I could hear him shout angrily all the way from his house's gate.


"Sure they do," I interrupted. "They have every right to take every certificates, files, and anything related to your profession."

"THE HEL —" He turned around and his face that was in full fury was replaced by shock. "Y-You..." He gulped and tensed up.

I smiled at him sweetly. "Yes. Me. Here's the warrant of arrest Attorney Gorden Geytt, or should I say, family lawyer of the Travis?"

His horrified expression told me that he did not expect me to know it.

Pfft! No matter how many times you change your name and address, I will always find you Gorden Geytt. You can't run away, nor can hide from a revenging mother.

He took the paper that was on my hand and read it. "No," he whispered. "N-No, no, no, no! Hindi mo pwedeng gawin sa'kin 'to! HINDI!" He shouted and ripped the paper apart.

I tilted my head with his reaction. "But I already did, Geytt. And just so you know, I have another copy of that paper."

Namula siya after kong sabihin 'yun and tried to attack me. He swung his fist to my face but I blocked it with my left forearm and I immediately punched his gut. He bent forward but regained his balance and swung his other fist again.

This time, I caught his fist and twist it to his back. I kicked the back of his right knee and slammed his body on the ground.

He let out a loud groan. "ARGH! FVCK!"

"What kind of attorney you are using such foul languages." My smirked vanished as I pushed him down again. My knee was right on his back, hoping to stab him with it.

"L-Let me go!" He groaned again.

"Where's my son?" I demanded.

"I-I don't know what," he exhaled sharply, "y-you're talking a-about! ARGH!"

I pushed him harder. "You don't know? HA! YOU DON'T KNOW?" I grabbed his hair to make him look up. "Let me help you remember then," I whispered dangerously against his ear.

"A-Aray! Fvck!" He gritted his teeth.

I pulled his hair back again as I leveled my lips to his ear better. 

"Once upon a time, there was a princess who was loved and adored by everyone of her clan. She was treated as the most important member of the clan because she was the first and only girl that came into their lives after so many decades of having boy children. All was well until one day, she received a call from a company lawyer of a family. The caller's name was George Villen, and the family name was Travis. Ring any bells?"

His veins were showing up on his throat as I continue to hold his head back.

"You know what that company lawyer told the clan's princess? He said that his client wanted to discuss an important matter with her and so, her presence was needed to the Travis Company. Little did the princess know, it was the end of her innocence and the beginning of her nightmares. Now, let's fast forward to where you Gorden Geytt — played the very important role in story."

Ex-Wife's RevengeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon