✔ Forty-ninth Chapter

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"Glad you could join us," I said amused. "Nice ball gown, by the way. It suits you."

"Black color always compliments my body. I wonder why," she said thoughtfully.

Because it personifies your thoughts, actions, life, and secrets.

As I answered her not-really-a-question question, I couldn't help but empathized with her. She's just like me. She lost a very valuable thing in her life and will do everything in her power to make those who did her wrong suffer.

"It's great on you, that's all that matters." I offered her a smile.

"Thank you, Zie. You look stunning." She smiled back. "And, yes, I am also glad that I came here." Her smile turned into a smirk, and I know that she's planning something dark.

"Just don't go overboard, Alia," I warned. "I still have a plan to do this evening and I don't want any of these people to go before the real surprise can even come out. Other than that, you are free to use this ball in your own convenience."

She nodded. "I won't even dare, Zie. Thank you for letting me."

I nodded back. "Don't reveal your claws just yet." She stilled for a second. "I want to introd — is something wrong?"

Shaking her head, she replied. "Nothing. You just said the exact same line someone had said to me." I was going to ask her more about it but her sad, painful smile stopped me. "I never thought I would hear it again," she whispered to herself and her smile vanished and was replaced by anger for a second. Then, she hid it and turned into serious mode. "You were saying?"

Alia, Alia.

"I want to introduce you to someone," I repeated.

She groaned. "Please, I don't need any man in my life, as of this moment, so spare me."

"If you wanted me to introduce you to a guy, you could have just said so," I smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "IF I wanted to but I do not." She crossed her arms. "So who's the person?"

"Follow me."

"Ate Lilac," I called her and her eyes went big as she saw me. Immediately, she stopped drinking water.

"Pri —" She cleared her throat. "Zie, what's up?"

"Ate, I want you to meet my precious partner, Alia Cordova," I turned to Alia. "Alia, this is my trusted friend and the manager of our shop, Lilac Kizon."

"Pleasure to meet you, Lilac Kizon," Alia said in a very serious business tone, as she offered her hand.

If you are trying to intimidate her, Alia, I'm sorry to say this but you won't be able to. Working with an Ayala will make anyone used to that, and this lady right here worked with an expert of intimidation.

Ate took her hand and gripped Alia's firmly. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Cordova."

Alia smirked as she took back her hand. "You grip strong," she commented then turned to me. "I like her, where did you find her?"

"Miss Cordova, I would really appreciate if you don't talk about me like I am not here. I can answer any questions you may have," Ate Lilac replied before I even get a chance to.

That made Alia looked back at her. "And quite a fighter, too."

"I won't be here if I'm not," she said.

"Maybe you're just lucky," Alia taunted.

Ate Lilac smirked. "If I'm lucky, I would still have my most important person in life here beside me. But as you can see, I'm all alone, so luck does not play any role in my life. And if it does, it will be so little."

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