✔ Twentieth Chapter

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No one knows when is the right time going to be.

Nobody thought about the storm that that family will soon experience.

Not a single moment they wasted to make their company into an empire.

Nothing can stop them from rising to the top of the business industry.

Or so they thought.

On the other side of the coin, the greatest threat is preparing for the greatest fight.

Unknown to that empire's knowledge, a certain business had also risen up and is getting ready to fight them head on, when least expected.

Planning to take those things that are for the rightful owner, this business kept it's identity in secrecy, yet internationally.

Now, the business is finally ready to face them.

With her as one of the main triumph card.

Mackenzie's POV

"Bonjour ma belle. Vos yeux ont attiré mon attention d'un bien."

I smiled at what this stranger said, which was, 'Hello beautiful. Your eyes have caught my attention from a far.'

"Je suis désolé, maks je ne pense pas que vous verriez mes yeux quand je porte des nuances noires en premier lieu," I answered giving him a sweet smile, which left his mouth open.

Thought I can't understand French, sir? 

I smirked secretly and stood up. I fixed my above-the-knee peach dress, which has thin straps that stay loosely on my shoulders, and head out of this simply, but nice restaurant. One of her lessons was: 'keep your attitude to yourself, unless it is needed,' and I learned that the hard way.

"'I am sorry, but I don't think you would see my eyes when I'm wearing black shades in the first place,' said it with a sweet smile, next with a smirk that only her can see, and ended it with a walk-out. All done in a minute that left him mouth-open and dumbfounded," someone said suddenly when I got out of the restaurant. "Hmm, I must say, you mastered that technique in an elegant way."

My breath hitched up as I couldn't believe what I just heard and who I am looking at right now. 

"Sian Kira Krauss," I breathed.

She smirked, which made her look frighteningly, sophisticated—if that was possible. Plus the fact that she's wearing a formal attire: blue blazer, white, soft cotton blouse inside, blue pencil skirt, and 3-inch heels, added to it.

"Kira Krauss. The first name is something that needs to kept in secret."

I smiled at her new attitude. "Got it. Are we just going to stare and smiled at each other?"

She squealed in delight and jumped to hug me. "I am very much lonely without you, Mackenzie Ayala."

Somethings still haven't changed, eh?

I chuckled on that thought while hugging her back. "Please Dear, I was lost without you."

We laughed with our cheesy lines, even though they were true. With linked arms, we walked the street of New York City and went to where I'm staying. During that trip, we were catching things up, like we haven't seen each other for a year when the truth is, we only haven't seen each other for just 3 months!

As I opened the door of my condo, I went straight to the kitchen but stopping my tracks and turned around.

"Just to let you know dear, my name has changed too. And I'm using my middle name now as my last name."

That earned me a raise of her eyebrow. "Enlighten me then."

I smirked.

"Please, call me Zie. Zie Innogen."

Three years worth of treatment, recovery from the surgery, studying, and moving from places to places and countries.

Within those years, I have Sian—I mean, Kira Krauss by my side, learning, studying, and changing like me. 

That day when we came here in America, we were all by ourselves, and we experienced real life. We couldn't go to any fancy restaurant to eat, neither bought clothes we wanted, nor afford a nice place to slept in. We had nothing... and it was by choice.

It was our decision to start at zero and got no help from no one, except from each other. In other words, we were broke and poor. We had to stood up with our own feet and learned the harsh life ahead of us.

And that was the start.

We gained knowledge on how to deal with almost every kind of people and got different jobs just to support us. However, the surgery that I had was paid already before we even got here, so we were fine with that.

The aftermath was no better though, and was another hurdle to pass.

"Heard anything from them?" I asked as I prepare the table for our dinner. It had been days since Kira came back from London, and so far, we are doing great. Back from how we started.

"Well," she answered while getting our foods from the pot. "Papa is still looking for my long-lost brother. He said that he couldn't trace him easily because that family found out that someone is looking for him, and made it hard for Papa to look for him."

I sat down as she puts the foods on the table and sat, too. "So as itay Tino," I informed her. "I just found out that the Travis has grown so much into an empire, and is the number one in their industry."

She grinned, like she has something up her sleeve. "Oh really?"

I eyed her. "Care to share what you're hiding?"

"I will, but is there anymore news?" she asked while chewing on her vegetable.

I shook my head. "That was all. What about you? Any word from him?" I asked while chewing, too.

This is how we behave when there is only the two of us. Just chilling and acting like our old selves.

"After that six months of him living with us? Nada," she answers. "I only know what you also know. He's busy with his work and is helping Papa and Itay, in the shadows."

I nodded. No new news from him still, huh?

"Don't look so dejected, dear," she teased while chewing.

"Like you aren't having the same look as I am," I rolled my eyes. She stuck her tongue out, not denying what I said. I laughed at her. "Anyway, what's up with your I-know-something-you-don't-know grin?"

Now she smirked. "Well, Zie, I'll tell you the full version once I got a confirmation, but for right now, I'll tell you just this."

"I'm listening," gesturing her to continue what she's going to say.

"The, now, Travis Empire is not the only one rising in the business industry."

That made my eyebrow rose. "There's another one? Wait, you mean—"

She smiled, sweetly, and that means whatever she'll say will be the opposite of her smile. "Let's just say, in the business world, best partners will achieve great achievements. Now, one of the partner is working her hands to make that business known without anyone knowing it, what do you think the other partner's job?"

That just stopped my fork in the air.

How I love my best friend!

I gave her my sweet smile that has the same meaning as hers. "Of course, that would be to make it look like that she is the one running that business."

She nodded, still with that smile. "In other words, I am the shadow..."

"And am the show."

Ex-Wife's Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें